
May 28, 2010 15:55

Well, today was my last day of high school.

Also, I apparently won a decent bit of scholarship money for an essay I wrote forty minutes before its deadline a little earlier in the year. The sponsors called my school about it, and if I correctly understand the email I just got, it'll be in the local paper too.

I think this calls for a celebration. ( Read more... )

school, meme, life, writing

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Comments 14

layrenelement May 28 2010, 20:07:55 UTC
Yay!!!! Congratulations, you!


starfoozle May 28 2010, 21:13:39 UTC
Thanks bb!


charmisjess May 28 2010, 20:58:03 UTC
NICE on both counts! You own those scholarships :D That's super great.

Hmm, trends in your fandom tastes, huh? :D Okay, so have you heard the Coldplay song "The Scientist?" I think you fall for the kind of characters that song describes. Thoughtful, deliberate flawed heroes. Eh? Eh?


starfoozle May 28 2010, 21:31:17 UTC

Haha, that is a highly accurate description, actually! (I love that song.) My favorite and most beloved characters tend to be intelligent, dysfunctional and sometimes badly broken people who could really use a shot at redemption. I know Dooku certainly falls into that category, along with Tony Stark, Ben Linus and a whole host of others.


charmisjess May 28 2010, 21:41:36 UTC
*grin* And I believe I read somewhere that Bono's nickname for Edge ( if "Edge" were not nickname enough) was "The Scientist."


starfoozle May 28 2010, 21:43:24 UTC
Oh, but of course. The Edge is a man after my own heart. :D


lostsailors May 28 2010, 21:39:24 UTC

... )


starfoozle May 28 2010, 21:44:53 UTC
Thank you bb!

The bobblehead is cracking me up way too much right now. I wish I had my very own Ben to shake his head in approval or dismay at random moments.


albumsontheside May 28 2010, 22:22:17 UTC
Congrats on finishing school scholarship girl! ♥


starfoozle May 28 2010, 23:01:22 UTC
Thank ya darling. How are you?


betareject May 28 2010, 22:42:26 UTC
CONGRATULATIONS!!! *high5 and raises cup of tea*

Hmm...As for your fandom...I'd have to say your drawn to characters who break the mold. Heroes who weren't meant to be heroes, in many cases were designed to be villains, but who are tragic heroes. Not because they were created to be (redeemed villains), or were even imagined that way (evolved into heroism), rather they just are realistic heros and because of it, they have become even more heroic than their supposedly noble counterparts.

This is what happens when you study far too hard and far too long...*putters off back to the books*


starfoozle May 28 2010, 23:02:17 UTC
Oooh, yes, definitely. That's accurate. *glances at Ben icon*

Thanks bb. By the way, love your icon. :D


betareject May 29 2010, 02:12:07 UTC
Ben can do no wrong trufax! Okay well in my world anyways XD

^^ Thank you! I can't remember where I found that image only that it was from a fashion magazine *blushes*


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