LOST, as usual.

Apr 20, 2010 22:14

If I were a casual fan, I would have found that quite enjoyable (and actually I still did on a certain level). I just feel like this is more setup on top of setup on top of setup, ad infinitum. Are they really gonna wait 'til the very end to actually give us real action?

Still, I am now ready for ROCKS BOMBS FALL, EVERYONE DIES, plz. Especially if ( Read more... )

reaction post, lost

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Comments 9

buongiornodaisy April 21 2010, 02:18:11 UTC
I need a sayidtripsoverawire.gif in my life rn


starfoozle April 21 2010, 02:25:09 UTC
Personally I could also go for a jackalmostgetssploded.gif as well.

Also, your icon is fabulous.


buongiornodaisy April 21 2010, 02:27:07 UTC
Thank you! :D

Jack got some NICE air time out of the explosion. Much better than John Locke's last week.


khaman April 21 2010, 02:28:40 UTC
How about that nice two second shot with Dr. Linus virtually straddling poor Locke's head in the ambo? If there was ever a moment for hurt comfort or whatever the hell that fic bracket qualifies for, I think that was it.


starfoozle April 21 2010, 02:36:13 UTC
Haha, I did notice that. Aaaaaaaaand the Bocke shippers, grabbing at straws this season, go wild. *laughs*


buongiornodaisy April 21 2010, 02:39:25 UTC
To be fair, the writers have been throwing every imaginable shipper a bone this season. It's crazy.


lostsailors April 21 2010, 05:28:55 UTC
Yeah, kind of the same response. It was fine. Needed to happen 8 weeks ago. This was our fourth to last episode.


I hope Widmore kills everyone so people can stop talking about how awesome he is.


raikune April 21 2010, 08:06:10 UTC
I'm hoping because of this ridiculously slow build-up, all the last episodes better be action-packed and OMGSDRAMA. Not that I don't like S6, there are a few good eps and good moments but it seems to be the weakest season so far :/

that said, I loved Jack bein all Ultimate Hero and Flocke bein a total badass and the promo for next week 'RRRGGHH GONNA KILL YOU ALL' made me jizzinmypants.jpg 8D


starfoozle April 21 2010, 21:35:56 UTC
Agreed 100% as usual. I am ready for some ACTION, man.


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