Summary: In which Remus and Tonks fight battles, arrest criminals, befriend werewolves, overcome inner demons and, despite it all, find themselves a happy ending. A love story, and a story of the Order years. (At long last, my Remus/Tonks epic, which has been years in the making!)
Chapter 11: A Cautious Distance )
Comments 8
Oh, that image of the two of them looking sadly at each other across Tonks's doorstep -- poignant, and perfectly evocative.
Poor Sirius, mischievous and sullen in turns. I'm glad Andromeda has kept up the visits.
I think the thing I like the most about this chapter, though, is how strong the connection is between Remus and Tonks, even as they're going through some ups and downs. And the way Tonks suddenly understands, even through her anger, just how broken Remus has been -- brrr. And lovely.
Heh. That's exactly the line I'm trying to walk in the Kaleidoscope chapter I'm currently working on (and have been for an embarrassingly long time now). In my ficverse the sticky point comes in early HBP rather than during OotP, but it's exactly these same questions.
And so, I do really like the way you've approached it here.
Oh, believe me, this was even more of an issue in writing the HBP half of this story. Ugggh, canon, JKR, why.
Anyway, briefly popping in to say:
his eyes full of tender things he wasn't allowing himself to say heart is now lying in several pieces on the floor.
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