Summary: In which Remus and Tonks fight battles, arrest criminals, befriend werewolves, overcome inner demons and, despite it all, find themselves a happy ending. A love story, and a story of the Order years. (At long last, my Remus/Tonks epic, which has been years in the making!)
Chapter 9: Who You Believe Yourself to Be )
Comments 2
I loved the scene with Sirius trying to talk some sense into Remus. Particularly poignant because Remus so obviously wanted to have sense talked into him... Also really like the way Remus and Tonks both had small epiphanies when talking to other people, Remus thinking about how self-pitying the new werewolf sounded, and Tonks finally putting into words what she has come to understand about Remus.
Remus had me feeling so hopeful by the last scene, the way he appeared to be working up to doing something about Tonks. And then such a fun sequence with the two of them playing in the snow. The end, of course, has me waiting eagerly for the next chapter. :)
Sirius trying to talk sense into Remus (who wants to have sense talked into him, but doesn't quite dare)...this is not the last time that theme will come up!
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