Title - An eternity of loneliness (Not gonna lose you.)
Author -
stare_at_wallsCharacters - Dean/Sam
Rating - PG-13. I think.
Disclaimer - This is purely fiction. I don't own Sam and Dean. CW and Kripke own them. Bleh.
Summary - Loneliness, kisses, and the Impala.
Notes - Feedback is always loved and needed and wanted. First time to ACTUALLY POST SPN FIC, not to mention Wincest. Wrote it 30 minutes ago.
estrella30 has this
kissing fic, and she declared it kissing day! So, yeah. :D
Warnings - Slash. Incest. YEAH WHATEVER. Kissing.
The feel of the Impala's black metal sends warm shivers down Sam's spine.
They get stuck in L.A., stuck beside an empty abandoned beach at 10 in the morning.
Dean's tinkering with the hood, sweat trickling down his forehead, painting skin glistening.
The sun's fucking hot, radiating heat sending thoughts that make eyes look heavenward-
Sam asks himself sometimes where this is going.
If there will ever be an end to this.
He doesn't say this to anyone, not even himself anymore, but he still thinks of being normal. There's this feeling of infinite loneliness, being him. Being this.
There's this pang of sadness, need, want, whenever he thinks that It's just me and Dean. And suddenly he feels sorry for Dean, because this whole thing was probably his fault, written in the stars and shit. Feels sorry because if he's feeling stranded in the middle of a desert, then Dean's feeling half-dead and stranded in the middle of a desert.
He remembers Dean talking to him about Jess.
I don't know what it's like to lose someone like that but...
To lose someone like that.
He wonders if Dean ever had someone like that.
Infinite loneliness.
Sam's so scared with everything that's going on, but sucks it up and tells himself that it's fine, even if with all these years of fighting and ghosting near death itself Sam can't ever get used to the thought of losing Dean.
He walks to the hood, peering underneath to look at Dean. To see if he's still there. If he won't disappear, just like dad.
I don't want to lose you.
"All right there, Sammy boy?" Dean asks him, an eyebrow cocked up, lips curved in a half smirk. He slams the hood, and Sam just leans on the Impala.
The waves lap up the shore, as if in a hurry to catch up to the wave.
I'm in a hurry to catch up to you To catch up to you Dean.
Sam's just staring into the endless horizon, the infinite loneliness of sea and sky.
"Hey." Dean's standing in front of him, leaning forward, lips pursed, eyes examining.
Catch up to this.
Sam feels the heat of the 10 am sun send sweat trailing down his back, across his chest, behind his neck, sees Dean's neck glazed by sunlight.
Sam moves forward, doesn't really realize that Dean's there, and their lips bump into each other, pausing for the briefest of moments, then rough lips clash against rough lips, taking their time.
Sam thinks that he doesn't want to lose Dean.
Dean's lips say that he won't let Sam go.
Lost you once, not gonna let that happen again.
This is the only time they've ever done this, but it feels like they've been doing it for an eternity.
Dean's hands wrap around Sam's back, pulling him closer, pushing him against the Impala, sun-drenched black metal heat spreading warm touches along Sam's back.
Not gonna lose you Sammy.
Sending warm shivers down his back.