Nov 16, 2006 17:18

Yamato x Mimi 1sentence
Fandom: Digimon: Digital Adventures
Pairing: Yamato Ishida x Mimi Tachikawa
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: Eh, PG-13 overall, but there are some R sentences in there. Nothing real bad though. ^__^;

These are really in no particular order, sort of hopping all over the place time-wise so yes, just a head’s up. ^__^; This is also ignoring that weird ending that made no sense to me and pretty much destroyed everything that had been set up in the first season. XD

01: Comfort
When they had been younger, her whining had grated on his nerves so much that he had peeled off his warm shirt so she had a pillow to sleep on; she thanked him fondly and he found his twelve-year old self blushing, muttering a “no problem” before shivering into the night.

02: Kiss
It had come unexpected, like a period in the middle of a sentence, and when Mimi had finally pulled away from him, smiling like she always did, Yamato found all he could do was blush and stare at her as if she had three heads.

03: Soft
“You know, your skin is really soft,” he marveled, and she placed her hands on his shoulders, whispering into his ear: “Yeah, and my lotion is edible too~”

04: Pain
He figured she’d be the type to scream and whine and cry, but when the bee had stung her, she merely scraped off the stinger and continued trudging on; from that moment on, he had a sort of grudging respect for the girl in the pink cowboy hat.

05: Potatoes
“I hate potatoes,” she said vehemently, and Yamato found himself wishing to saw off her head one more time, because no matter how much he loved her, he couldn’t ignore the fact she was a spoiled brat.

06: Rain
It had been sprinkling when she left for America, thick droplets condensing on their raincoats and then it got harder and they were drenched and so when they kissed, he couldn’t tell whether it was her tears or his tears or the rain that was rolling down his cheeks.

07: Chocolate
She loved chocolate-covered riceballs, so whenever she was on a diet, Yamato made sure to tease her by buying a box and eat them languidly in front of her despairing face.

08: Happiness
None of their friends really figured they would’ve gotten together, thought they’d never understand to each other, but to Yamato and Mimi, there was very little to understand about simply making each other happy.

09: Telephone
Their phone bills were always incredibly expensive, but neither was willing to relinquish the ties modern convention gave them.

10: Ears
Sometimes Mimi’s animal moans were a bit too much, so it wasn’t rare for Taichi to knock on their door and yell something akin to shutting-the-fuck-up, he had a paper due on Tuesday and goddammit, Yamato can’t be that good.

11: Name
She once wrote a song about how beautiful he was, everything perfect from his toenails to his name, but she’d burned it once she found out her best friend had already beat her to him.

12: Sensual
Even if she had the Crest of Purity, Mimi was probably the sexiest out of all of them; the way she pulled up her tights, the sleek feel of her skin and the swell of her breasts... even that damned sakura perfume she used had him taking cold showers in the middle of the day.

13: Death
Seeing her there on the ground with those tiny graves and the crude crosses, something angry had broken in him and he had snapped back to Tai: “We don’t all have ice in our veins like you do!”

14: Sex
He thought she’d hate it the first time but after they had done it, blushing and spent and still intertwined, she had leaned over with her breasts on his chest and whispered, “That was something else,” and then they couldn’t help but do it all over again.

15: Touch
“What the hell?” she had shrieked, drawing her hand from the inside of the paper bag; Yamato laughed, and the puppy peeked over the edge, and she couldn’t help but laugh too, moving to nuzzle her new pet.

16: Weakness
Even though he could be a self-righteous prick at times, whenever he looks at her like that, she can’t be mad for too long.

17: Tears
She used to cry a lot when they were younger, but now that they’re older they have more meaning and Taichi isn’t quite sure what to do when Mimi calls him in the middle of night, sobbing about Yamato and Sora being together.

18: Speed
She was always picked last for teams in PE, but Yamato made a point to pick her first; only he knew that Mimi ran the mile in under seven-thirty and he planned to use that to his advantage.

19: Wind
“Roll up the windows, my hair is getting messed up,” he grumbled, and she laughed, moving to muss his hair up even more.

20: Freedom
Sometimes he wished he was like her, because she seemed so free from obligation; sometimes she wished she was like him, because he had things to care about aside from shopping and himself.

21: Life
“Well, that’s life,” he said after Sora dumped him, and Mimi tried to suppress her selfish happiness and act sad that her best friend had left the only boy Mimi had ever cared for.

22: Jealousy
For the longest time, he thought Taichi and Mimi would end up together, but when she finally told him that she liked him, not some short-tempered soccer player, he smiled genuinely for the first time in quite a while.

23: Hands
“Hold my hand, Sora,” Mimi told her, but she looked at Yamato when she said it.

24: Taste
“Why do you like those riceballs so much anyways?” he queried one afternoon; she stuck her tongue out at him, replying, “Because I always figured they’re as sweet as a kiss.”

25: Devotion
Even after she moved, she harbored a small hope he wouldn’t forget about her and held Michael at a distance; when Sora and Yamato got together, she felt stupid and realized that it had all been a silly childhood notion of hers anyways.

26: Forever
When she came back, Yamato didn’t know what changed but he had the strange idea that he wanted to be by her side forever.

27: Blood
The first time she wore those strappy stilettos and that short black dress, Yamato had sought out a tissue from Jyou to hide his nosebleed.

28: Sickness
“Open wide,” she commanded, and he looked distrustingly at her chicken soup before complying.

29: Melody
He had taken out his harmonica for a quiet moment by himself and had nearly peed his pants when he heard a sweet harmony coming from the girl in the pink cowboy hat emerging from the bushes.

30: Star
“So, big shot, you ever going to write a song about me now that you’re famous?” she teased, and he had shrugged, not thinking of telling her that they were all about her.

31: Home
“So you’re coming back to Japan?” he had said incredulously over the phone and he heard her stifle her happy tears, breathily replying: “Yes, I’m coming home.”

32: Confusion
“I just can’t understand geometry,” she said hopelessly, and Yamato sighed for the fourteenth time that hour as he attempted to guide her through writing a proof one more time.

33: Fear
He figured she’d be scared of the dark, of heights, or girly things like that; so he had been genuinely surprised when she’d simply said she was scared of losing all of them.

34: Thunder/Lightning
Another thing he’d figured she’d be scared of was thunder and lightning, but she had surprised him again by dragging him into a storm and forcing him to play with her in the rain.

35: Bonds
“So, which is stronger, ionic or covalent?” she asked during a study session; he hadn’t been really paying attention, more occupied with playing with her hair, and had simply replied: “Ours.”

36: Market
“Mimi, we are not going fuckin’ shopping,” he said sternly, but he couldn’t help but relent when she made that face.

37: Technology
“So you think he’ll like this, Koushiro?” she asked, and the small redhead nodded an affirmative, both gazing reverently at the new laptop she had bought for Yamato’s birthday.

38: Gift
For her birthday, he had bought her a small cactus; all of her classmates had thought it strange, but the digidestined understood why she thanked him so sincerely and gave him a big friendly smooch on the lips in gratitude.

39: Smile
“You need to smile more,” she said matter-of-factly; he’d snorted, glaring at her and replying, “You smile too much.”

40: Innocence
It was funny, but whenever they played Truth or Dare, the Crest of Purity had no trouble telling everyone the sordid details of her love affair with the Crest of Friendship.

41: Completion
Yamato always thought he’d lost that puzzle piece months ago, but when Mimi found it under the couch and carefully laid in place, he realized that he’d never really been complete until her.

42: Clouds
One time when they all went to get ice cream, Mimi had proclaimed the sorbet they all got tasted “like clouds!” and even though everyone laughed, Yamato couldn’t help but silently agree with her.

43: Sky
“What color do you think my eyes are?” he asked one day in a fit of whimsy; Mimi shrugged, examining her cuticles and replying off-handedly, “As deep a blue as the sky.”

44: Heaven
“Do you ever wonder what heaven is like?” Mimi asked in a quiet, thoughtful moment; Yamato looked her eyes, placed her hand on his heart and said quietly, “That.”

45: Hell
“I hate you and I hope you die!” she screams and even though he knows she’s a spoiled baby, the words cut deeper than he intends.

46: Sun
When him and Sora got back together, Mimi didn’t know whether to scream or jump off a cliff, but she spent days inside her room, becoming pale from the permanent darkness.

47: Moon
When Hikari had finally dragged her out for an outing, Yamato had found his mouth dry when he saw the pale luminescent quality of the moon reflected in her and thought that, maybe, he had made a mistake.

48: Waves
“So, I guess this is good-bye,” she had said, and she had waved cheerily to him; neither of them knew what impact they would have on their lives, because even if the adventure was over, their journey wasn’t.

49: Hair
He spent hours gelling his hair into perfection, so everyone was amused when Mimi managed to ruin his hair in the first five minutes of giving him a hug (“Your hair is so stiff!” she’d complained, raking a hand through the blonde mess).

50: Supernova
She didn’t really know what to put down for the test question, so she wrote “What happens when Ishida kisses me” and left it at that.

!1sentence, series: digimon

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