Live it Down [#4] [IchiTatsu] [Bleach]

Aug 19, 2007 00:49

Title :: Live it Down
Theme :: #4, ‘Practice makes perfect’ [15pairings]
Pairing :: little!Ichigo/little!Tatsuki; older!Ichigo/older!Tatsuki if you squint.
Rating :: PG
Wordcount :: 617
Summary :: For Kurosaki Ichigo, it had always been about winning.

For Kurosaki Ichigo, it had always been about winning.

Up until he got his ass kicked by a little girl, that is.

It was all Masaki could do not to giggle. (And she made a mental note to not breathe a word of this to her husband, because he would guffaw.)

“Ichigo, honey, if that Tatsuki girl is so mean, why don’t you just stop fighting her?”

“I can’t! I have to fight her!”

“Sweetheart, why? It’s just silly to get beaten up for no reason.”

“I do so have a reason!” Tiny fists clenched, and he was obviously trying to so hard to look fierce, but he really wasn’t making it far past “adorable.”

“What’s that, Ichigo?”

“If I can’t beat her up, Tatsuki is never gonna like me!”

Masaki lost her battle against giggling, then; and she hurried to scratch at her nose in order to cover it. “So you want little miss Tatsuki to like you, hm?”

Ichigo glared, and she took that as a yes.

“If you want a girl to like you, Ichigo, maybe trying to beat her up really isn’t the best option.”

“She - she’s not a girl! She’s Tatsuki! There’s a difference!”

The thing was, Masaki mused, her son probably had some sort of a point.

“Still, I’m sure there’s a better way to win her heart rather than just hitting her.”

Ichigo paused, a slightly puzzled frown playing over his features.

“What if I hit her a lot?”

I don’t know what exactly is wrong with my son’s thought processes, but I’m fairly certain whatever it is, it is somehow Isshin’s fault. “I really don’t think that’s going to help. Have you thought about bringing her candy? Or maybe a pretty flower?”

“Not gonna work, Mom. I have to be able to beat her up.”

“Why, Ichigo?”

Ichigo shifted awkwardly, colour rising high in his cheeks.

“’Cause Tatsuki told me she can’t stand pathetic-ass pansy boys.”

And Masaki simultaneously laughed and rubbed a weary hand over her face.

As much as I wanted to see Ichigo grow up and fall in love, I never expected his first love to be a six-year-old sadist.

He never did beat her.

And Tatsuki never ever let him forget it.

“Hey, Ichigo,” she started, years later, sitting on the edge of his bed and kicking the side of it with her heels (just because she knew it pissed him off). “D’you remember when we were kids? When I always used to beat the snot out of you?”

She was amused to see that his scowls could still be taken as a yes.

And so Tatsuki pressed on. “And how you always tried to beat me up too, just because you had a huge crush on me?”

His scowl promptly faded as his mouth dropped open. “You - you knew about that?!”

She snickered, priding herself on having given him that comically stupid look of surprise. “Subtlety was never your strong point, Ichigo.”

And there, the scowl was now firmly back in place.

Seeing it, her snickering turned into outright laughter, and she leaned into him to nudge his shoulder gently with hers. “Aw, c’mon. At least you’re not quite as pathetic now as you were back then. You’d actually look almost badass in that Shinigami getup of yours, if you weren’t such an idiot.”

Ichigo accepted the compliment with his usual grace (read: he first nearly choked on air and then glared at her as if he wanted to set her aflame with his eyes), but then the corner of his lips twitched, and Tatsuki knew he wanted to laugh too.

And she supposed she found it comforting that some things just never changed.

bleach:tatsuki, bleach, bleach:ichitatsu, bleach:ichigo, !15pairings

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