[Bleach] Renji/Rukia, 1sentence

Oct 04, 2007 23:42

For 1sentence.
Title :: Fifty Moments of Miscommunication
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Renji/Rukia
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: PG-13

#01 - Motion
I don’t care how far I have to run, just as long as I know you’re here, finally safe in my arms.

#02 - Cool
He hadn’t gotten the tattoos just to look cool - though he knew that’s what she thought, and he saw the way she tried not to snicker - but secretly, it was the thought of her running her fingertips over them that made him shiver.

#03 - Young
As much as he’d detested the Rukongai, in some ways he almost wished he could go back - to when she was still young and innocent and content to sleep nestled perfectly against his side.

#04 - Last
“We’d never last anyway,” he whispered harshly to himself, “only until she finally figured out that there was someone better out there.”

#05 - Wrong
She hadn’t anticipated that, in being accepted into a ‘proper’ family, she would give up the only real family she’d ever had.

#06 - Gentle
Really, Renji thought, you knew you’d picked an impossible goal when a member of Division 11 was looking at you with a gentle sort of pity in their eyes.

#07 - One
She’d refused to cry when the last of their friends died, when they were the only ones left; and the only way she could find relief was through Renji’s hands on her shoulders, grasping so tightly it almost hurt - a silent promise that at least she wasn’t alone.

#08 - Thousand
In a way, he envied Ichigo his mortality: he wouldn’t have to live through a thousand years just aching for her touch.

#09 - King
“You’d be part of the nobility too, if you were with her, and that wouldn’t suit you at all,” Yumichika appraised him quietly (and how he’d caught on to his feelings at all was utterly beyond Renji to begin with), “but the look in your eyes really is beautiful when you talk about her, and maybe that would make it worthwhile after all.”

#10 - Learn
The first time he’d seen her in their academy uniform, he’d grabbed her up in a rough, impulsive hug -- We made it, we made it, we’re out.

#11 - Blur
The almost-execution, the rescue and manic run to safety, Aizen’s hand plunging into her chest - it all faded into a merciful blur, but the memory that stood out the strongest was Renji’s heartbeat against her ear.

#12 - Wait
Renji didn’t sleep at all for days after Kaien’s death, waiting up all night as though he could stave off her nightmares himself, as though she’d sense him silently standing guard and let the knowledge soothe her mind.

#13 - Change
She’d never admit it, but Rukia was most relaxed when they bickered - for her, it was more than fury and spikes of indignation; it was a testament to the fact that some things really never change.

#14 - Command
“I really don’t give a damn if he’s my captain or not,” Renji told her fiercely in response to her distressed scolding, “not when you’re what’s at stake.”

#15 - Hold
He’d been ready to unleash Zabimaru and forcibly break her out of prison even before he was certain she’d be executed; already the look in her eyes was half-dead and he was frantic to touch her, to crush her against him and force her to remember how to breathe.

#16 - Need
He endured a thousand aches, a thousand wants (fingers slipping over skin and dark hair splayed over even-darker tattoos and small bodies shuddering under his touch), but the only thing he truly needed was for her to finally turn around and look at him.

#17 - Vision
His vision was clouded with wild hair and matching blood, with her running constantly through his mind’s eye, and he knew that his pride would have to be the next thing to fall.

#18 - Attention
“You don’t treat me differently now that I’m a Kuchiki,” she said curiously, and when he burst out laughing at the idea (as if she could ever be anything different to him), her smile lit up her entire face.

#19 - Soul
We’ll become Soul Reapers, she had said, and he hadn’t even thought to argue: anything, to get her out of this hell (anything, to turn him into a man who might one day deserve her).

#20 - Picture
She’d been the picture of elegance as a child, and it never failed to make him laugh when she kicked some poor unsuspecting sod in the gut.

#21 - Fool
“I could have said anything, anything, to her, and instead I made a fool of myself going on about the nobles’ goddamn food -- but at least I was only foolish and not selfish too.”

#22 - Mad
You’re not just a dog when it comes to that woman, Zabimaru announced with a wild grin, you’re a rabid dog, and we’ll fuckin’ tear apart the world fighting for her.

#23 - Child
You couldn’t see the harshness of the Rukongai on her the way you could see the harshness of being a Soul Reaper now; back then, she was still prone to randomly grabbing his hand with laughter bubbling in her throat, as though this was the only thing that mattered in her world.

#24 - Now
“What do we do now?” she asked him quietly, and he had no idea if she was talking about Aizen, or the fact they had both nearly died, or them; so he merely gave her a crooked smile and said that he didn’t give a damn, he was just too glad they still had a now at all.

#25 - Shadow
She was always the bright one, and I was always the shadow - but I can’t complain, if it means I can stand guard over her back.

#26 - Goodbye
“If for no other reason, I could kill Aizen myself for that,” Renji hissed into her hair, hands clutching at her so desperately his knuckles had faded into white, “for trying to make me say goodbye to you.”

#27 - Hide
Rukia had grown up assuming that she knew all of Renji’s secrets, that he could never keep anything from her; but now there was a darkness to his eyes that she couldn’t quite decipher, and she was terrified of the way it sent shivers up her spine.

#28 - Fortune
She was infinitely grateful to Byakuya, for giving her what he had, but no amount of status or money could replace what she had lost.

#29 - Safe
He’d wanted nothing more than to stop running and lay her down, peeling away cloth to cover her with himself and every inch of her bared skin with his hands and lips; anything to prove to her that she was still alive and loved and safe.

#30 - Ghost
She felt like a ghost there in his arms, small and fragile and fading to weightlessness; and he knew that they really hadn’t saved her from death after all, not when ghosts were all she’d ever see.

#31 - Book
After finally getting Zabimaru to manifest, Renji flatly refused to tell Rukia about his form, knowing perfectly well that if he did, her books would soon be littered with wretchedly-drawn doodles of little primates.

#32 - Eye
For a week after getting his first tattoo, right above his eye, he kept his hair down and covering it while around her, stupidly nervous over what she’d think.

#33 - Never
He’d snapped that he wouldn’t let go of her, instinctively clutching her even tighter to his chest, and she shuddered as she understood the implications - he wouldn’t, and he really never had.

#34 - Sing
In a way, Zabimaru understood more than Renji gave him credit for, and he knew his primary duty was to sing for the blood of anyone who threatened that one tiny woman.

#35 - Sudden
He still slept fitfully, jerking into sudden wakefulness at the slightest noise, a habit ingrained from childhood and countless hours spent soothing her after nightmares.

#36 - Stop
How can he not see that he needs to stop, that I’m not worth fighting for…that I’m not afraid of death, but I’m terrified to feel him slipping away?

#37 - Time
He swore again and again that this time would be different, that he’d finally jump; but still nothing changed, and he was still the stray dog somehow revolving around the stars.

#38 - Wash
She knew she’d never wash the blood from her hands, but when he grabbed her wrists and kissed her palms, she at least found a moment’s peace.

#39 - Torn
Even when I’m broken and torn to pieces like this, there’s still not enough of me to wrap around her and shelter her from the world.

#40 - History
’She changed his life’ my ass - she is my life, and always fuckin’ has been.

#41 - Power
“We’re gonna beat him, Zabimaru,” Renji announced quietly, “because I figure that if I can finally surpass him, I’ll prove I’m worthy of being her family myself.”

#42 - Bother
“Does it bother you, if I touch them like this?” Rukia asked as she trailed experimental fingers over his tattoos, and she mistakenly took the way he bit down on his lower lip as a yes.

#43 - God
If we both became gods, then what the hell is she, that she’s still so far above me?

#44 - Wall
I’d’ve caught your hand - I’d’ve caught you - but suddenly, somehow, everything was in the way.

#45 - Naked
The Shinigami Women’s Association spent a ridiculous amount of time debating just how much of Renji was tattooed, and Rukia nearly flailed as hard as Inoue when they looked at her as though she was supposed to have the answers.

#46 - Drive
I thought all you cared about was getting stronger, that that mattered more to you than - well, than anything else, she told him quietly, and he was torn between wanting to laugh and wanting to shake her - how had she missed the fact that the only reason he wanted to get stronger was for her?

#47 - Harm
It’s no goddamn wonder I’m an irritable bastard, Renji wanted to snap, when it seems like half the fucking world is trying to kill the woman I love.

#48 - Precious
Even though she was a Kuchiki, even though she was nobility now, that knowledge still couldn’t compare to the way she felt when Renji fixed his eyes on her.

#49 - Hunger
Fuck, I thought we were starved as kids, but that was nothing, nothing compared to this - at least then, I could still fold her right into my arms.

#50 - Believe
The words were muffled into his chest, but Renji still felt them all the way to his core - “Sometimes I think you’re the only thing I can really believe in, because you’re the only thing I know will never leave.”

bleach:rukia, bleach, !1sentence, bleach:renji, bleach:renruki

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