fic: Preliminaries, 18+

Nov 07, 2006 00:03

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Rating: ...very mature audiences? Porn, people. Semi-explicit. Girly bits.
Pairing: Sam Carter/Kara Thrace
Set: Eh, after Resurrection Ship. Spoiler for that, at least.
Notes: This was begun as commentspam in woodface's lj. And, um. Is now longer. By a lot.
Words: almost 2,000.

by ALC Punk!

They'd been sparring for nearly half an hour, knocking each other around and to the mat and then back up again. It was impressive--several of the marines had stopped to watch. There'd been several whistles of admiration.

Sam couldn't blame them, really. Stripped to shorts and sports bras, she and Kara were rather attractive. Not to mention the sweat and the restrained violence.

Men got off on that. Hell, she got off on it.

One glancing blow from Kara skimmed along her breast, and Sam sucked in a breath as her nipple hardened from the contact.

She pulled back and snapped a low kick towards Kara, over-balancing at the last minute and hopping to keep her balance.

"Tiring out, Carter?" Kara mocked before driving in with a one-two combination that was almost too fast for the amount of time they'd been sparring. Gods, did she ever tire?

Sam blocked the first and side-stepped the second, getting in a punch of her own and smirking. "Not quite."

"Sure about that?"

Not guessing Kara's plan until she was tackling her, Sam went down in surprise. The mat slammed into her back. "Oof!"

Kara's lips grazed her neck.

Biting her lip and ignoring the distraction, Sam wriggled and twisted, managing to throw Kara sideways. She rolled on top of her, gloves making it awkward to pin her.

And Kara pressed up against her, eyes and mouth smirking suggestively.

Sam felt herself flush at the contact, suddenly aware that they were both sweaty, and that she was getting turned on by it.

This time, Kara could take advantage of her distraction, rolling them again and trapping Sam's legs as she bent and licked her belly before scrambling up and bouncing on her feet. "We done, Carter?"

Rather hoping no one had noticed the non-regulation groping, Sam got to her own feet and raised her gloves. "Getting bored, Thrace?"

"With the gloves, yeah." Kara stepped back and began pulling hers off.

Her eyebrows raising, Sam followed suit, deciding to leave the questions for later. Besides, practicing fine control over throws was easier with bare hands. Tossing the gloves towards the bin, Sam stepped back into place.

"Ready, Carter?"

"I'll go easy on you," Sam taunted.

Kara snorted and stepped forwards. They danced around, feinting and gauging their blows without connecting for a minute, and then Kara used the same combination as before, this time with added flare.

Catching Kara's wrist, Sam turned into her, nails skimming the skin of Kara's stomach (two could play at this game) before she dropped and flipped her over her shoulder.

At the last second, Kara latched onto her and they both went sprawling.

This time, the fight for dominance was less careful. Fingers slid along skin and Sam had to restrain her natural inclination to use her mouth on Kara's skin.

Sam had rolled on top again, half-pinning Kara when one of the marine sergeants called a halt to their sparring.

Carefully, they slid apart and stood. Both were panting slightly.

The sergeant eyed them, her eyebrows raised. "If you two are done with your display, I suggest you hit the showers."

Kara smirked, "Yessir."

Following her, Sam hoped the head was empty. She had no intention of letting their encounter stop here.


Kara glared at the three marines in the head. "Out. Now."

They gave her one cursory glance, then shrugged and vacated, shutting the hatch behind them. Grabbing the locking bar, Kara swung it closed.

"Eager?" Sam taunted, voice amused.

"Shut up, Carter." Not giving the other woman time to move, Kara pounced on her, shoving her against the wall and kissing her neck, nipping at the skin a second later. She heard Carter's gasp with satisfaction.

"Thrace." Fingers slid into her hair and tugged gently.

Placing her hand flat on Sam's stomach, she held her still as she sucked at her neck and shoulder, tasting Carter, salt, and the dust from the mat.

The fingers in her hair tugged harder, and Kara let her mouth come away from Sam's skin with a popping sound.

Sam's mouth immediately replaced her skin.

Kissing Sam, Kara let her hands roam, stroking and pressing against sweat-slick skin until she'd reached Sam's breasts. It was easy to yank the band of the bra upwards, and she cupped one breast immediately, enjoying Sam's startled moan.

Breaking the kiss, she bent and wrapped her lips around the already hard nipple.

"Gods..." Sam managed, breath slipping out in a strangled moan.

Kara sucked on the nipple, teeth coming into play, causing Sam to shiver and arch against her.

Releasing the nipple, she pushed her leg between Sam's and followed with her hand, looking up to watch Sam's face as she cupped her cunt through the sweats. "This what you want, Carter?"


Rubbing her fingers against Sam through the fabric was easy. Sweat and Sam's own slickness had soaked the material and Kara pressed harder than she normally would, listening to Sam's soft moans.

"More, Kara," Sam pleaded softly, rocking against her.

Ducking her head, Kara nipped at Sam's throat, sucking on the skin and moving across in a slow line. She kept her hand moving at the same exact speed, listening to Sam's increasing frustration until she abruptly stopped, pulling her hand away.

"Kara--" Sam growled. "Damnit."

"You're so hot when you're pissed," Kara informed her smugly.

"Gimme a moment to get my breath, and I'll show you how pissed I am."

"Can't have that." Flattening her palm against Sam's stomach again, she caught the hand Sam had raised to shove her and pressed her arm back against the wall.


Hand and mouth descended together, lips sucking against Sam's collarbone, fingers sliding beneath her waistband. Damp, slippery flesh and she plunged two fingers into Sam, hearing her moan in appreciation. Hard and fast, she moved her fingers, the heel of her hand rubbing against Sam's clitoris.

"Gods, Kara." Sam pleaded.

"More?" Kara didn't wait for her answer, she moved her mouth to Sam's breasts and sucked a hard nipple between her lips again.


Sam's hand tightened on hers and Kara bit down on the nipple. The pain sent Sam over the edge, and she orgasmed, back arching more, body straining against Kara's.

"Legs." Sam whispered, panting.

Carefully pulling her hand free, causing Sam to twitch a few more times, Kara braced herself and Sam. "Don't fall over on me now, Carter."

"Floor's too hard." Sam retorted. Her free hand came up to brush Kara's cheek and she bent her head and kissed her.

Kara kissed her back, wriggling against Sam in an attempt to get her attention turned towards more than kissing.

Apparently ignoring Kara's non-verbal hints, Sam continued kissing her, but gently. Her lips brushed along Kara's jaw to her ear and she nibbled on the lobe a moment before drawing back and whispering, "Something you want, Kara?"

"Carter," she muttered in warning.

"Mmm. There is." Sam kissed her neck and then pulled back slightly. "Turn around."

Letting out a grumble of protest, Kara turned, anyway. Either Sam would get her off, or she'd get herself off. In the end, the result would be the same--almost.

"Good." Sam kissed the back of her neck and brought her hands around to cup Kara's breasts. She rubbed fingers over them for a moment before dropping her hands lower. Impatient, Kara grabbed one and tugged it down to her waistband.


"Impatient." Sam licked her shoulder. "You should have patience, Kara."


Sam's fingers slid inside her pants and she knelt behind Kara, pulling her sweats and underwear off together. "Patience is a virtue." Sam informed her, kissing and licking the back of her knee.

The delicate touches sent a shiver across Kara's nerves, and she bent forward and stared at Sam upside-down through her legs. "Having fun, Carter?"

"Oh, yeah." Sam kissed the small of her back and skimmed her hands up Kara's legs. "Try not to fall over, Thrace. Wouldn't want you to bruise yourself."

"Oh, I think I'll be--" Kara's mockery ended in a gasp as Sam's finger slid into her.

"Mhmm." Lips trailed along her back and ass, the finger stroking in and out ever-so-slowly.

Already half-ready, Kara cursed Sam's patience and reached down to grab her wrist. "Carter."

Teeth bit into her hip, the pain sharp and sudden.

In reflex, Kara let Sam's wrist go.

"Floor's cold," Sam informed her, removing her finger and standing. She grabbed Kara's hand and tugged her over to a bench, sitting down and motioning Kara to stand in front of her. Sam's legs slid between hers, spreading her stance and leaving her feeling almost vulnerable. "Ah, better."

Kara sucked in a breath and almost purred as Sam's arms slid around her. Lips brushed her back, and Sam slid her hand back to Kara's cunt, stroking lightly at her clitoris.

Sam's other hand massaged her thigh gently, then moved upwards until the tips of two fingers were just pushing into Kara. In and out, just a little tiny bit.

The sweet sensation was almost torture, and Kara could feel the sweat starting up again. "Sam."

"Little more patience," Sam murmured, her voice muffled as she kissed Kara's back, lips soft and sure.

"Not patient," Kara informed her, leaning back slightly and rocking against Sam's hands. She briefly considered dropping to sit on Sam's knees, but that would break the contact between her legs.

"I know." Lips and tongue paused at the small of Kara's back.

Two fingers stroked into her, and Kara moaned in approval. Sam quickened her pace, fingers moving faster, lightly, but with purpose. The orgasm Kara had felt building the second she'd realized Sam was horny gathered in her until with a cry, she came.

Panting, feeling her legs quiver with the effort of standing, Kara let herself sit. Sam's hands gentled her half-fall until she was perched on her knees, legs splayed wide.

Sam kissed her shoulder. "See? Patience is a virtue."

Growling, Kara twisted on Sam's lap to face her. "Sam, I'll show you patience as a virtue."

"Oooh." Sam's fingers brushed across her still-wet cunt. "That a promise?"

Kara opened her mouth to reply when someone banged on the hatch. "Hey! Are you done in there? I've got marines needing showers out here!"

"Frak off!" They yelled in unison.

There was a moment of silence, then the sergeant banged again, "You have ten minutes, captains. And then I get a team to open this hatch."

"I think patience is going to have to wait," Sam said in amusement, pushing at Kara. "Up. We need showers before those idiots come in here."

"And more sex."

"In ten minutes?"

"Carter," Kara smacked her ass she walked past, "Patience isn't always a virtue."


Kara caught her by the waist and moved to kiss her, "I'm about to have an epiphany, Carter."

"Oh?" Sam nipped at her chin, then pulled away and walked backwards into the showers.

"Yup." Snagging the soap and washrag, Kara stalked after her. "And it's going to involve you naked and wet."

Twisting on the shower, Sam glanced over her shoulder. "Sounds fun."


Sam stepped under the spray and held out a hand. "C'mere."

Tossing the soap into the dish, Kara walked into Sam's arms and pushed her back against the wall. "Mmm. Water and Sam." She kissed Sam's neck, "This, I think I can handle."

"I like you handling me." Sam murmured.

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