This time, I'm not going to fall asleep at noon and sleep all day! 8D
Below the cut are 80 new decks! I'm sorry to those of you who said that you'd prefer to have smaller updates; next time, I'll be updating more periodically, and they should be much smaller like this (hopefully about 10-15 at a time!).
So, are you guys ready to be spoiled? :P
Comments 25
I'll be taking kage03, pottery01, bicycle17, sun20, piano20, medic05, lazy20, kurain12, potential09, achoo18, hitsuzen18, and manikatti17.
Hm, shall I take care of referral prizes by dropping them in people's posts? That might be faster from now on so we don't have to round them up. Have you affiliated with Platinum and other TCGs? I need more action in the join forms. |D My job there is kind of dull, so I'm trying to think of what else I can do. X3;
Thanks for the huuuge update!
( ... )
Thank you as well! *_* Most of the decks are yours, I believe. You really deserve thanks for all your hard work.
The Spy page is missing the name description. *digs through her email.* Here's the (boring) description I gave before: Nash works as a Harmonian spy in Suikoden III.
216 decks. *dances*
Seriously, those Kirby decks are way too cute. And the ROYAL RAAAAINNNBOOOOWWWW!!!1 has killed me. I don't know what to collect anymore. |D
I'm taking Ultimate08, Truth14, Siberian02, Royal09, Riceball17, Red08, Persocom04, Objection18, Mako01, Goggles07, Brother20, and Broke17.
...Judging by the time you posted this, you put it up right after we left to get lunch. XDDDD *had been refreshing the page all morning*
NEW DECKS! *shot*
taking thirteen 09, change 17, mako 07, hero 05, loveless 17, kage 02, lightning 12, massacre 16, avenger 03, god 05, justice 11 and lazy 07
You are awesome, Lys! *-*
And your deckmakers are too :o
agency20, cetra20, copy20, mask20, masamune20, mako20, medic20, normal20, red20, riceball20, ugly20, thirteen20
So many shinies!!!!! 8D
I'll be a-snaggin'...
Skirt08, Red08, Masamune16, Persocom06, Mako01, Loveless17, Hero15, Cetra04, Kurain20, Objection08, Prosecute10, Shy10.
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