
Mar 20, 2009 18:54

The city's angry, and not in that "it's been a hundred degrees for a month and everyone's on everyone's nerves" kind of way, but in a dangerous kind of way. The graffiti's only a start. I could sense some of the artists, and they're angry - really angry...and they're not done yet.

Every curse, every twitch and it's going to get worse and in a place like this, with so many super-powered people..? Disaster seems like an understatement. And yet...

Jamie says a revolution has never succeeded here, they fall apart, memories are taken, and everything goes back to the way it was before. And even if a revolution succeeds, there's no guarantee that we'd be able to get out of here. And yet...

The police force might be small, but I bet they can get augmented REALLY quickly if things go south and there's only so much room in this City. No where to hide, 'cept in the Underground and boy, isn't that looking for trouble.

I keep trying to tell myself, I'm making friends, I'm dealing as best as I can, I've been in worse places, but I can't shake the feeling that there has to be a better way.

Wait. Where did all this alcohol come from?


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