Another Jake 2.0 fic rec

Apr 01, 2006 11:23

If you liked "Jake 2.0," I command you to read this pronto. Roseveare is an excellent writer.

TITLE: The Ghost of Fort Meade & Four Other Stories
AUTHOR: Roseveare
LENGTH: 3000 words
SUMMARY: Five things that never happened to Jake Foley.
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, no profit, yadda, yadda, yadda.

fic rec

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Comments 5

madwriter April 2 2006, 18:35:56 UTC
Just popping in to say hello, unfortunately from back at work...I just added you and Tiffany to my FL, along with my "Literary" filter--posting stuff I write for you to either read or read-and-critique, whichever, though I haven't posted to it much lately. See you around!



starborn_scribe April 2 2006, 20:00:58 UTC
Wunderbar! I've friended you, too. It was great to meet you at the con. You and Tiff had so much good advice for aspiring writers. It's much appreciated.

Hey, I took a look at your user icons. The flashing eye Sleestack one particularly cracked me up! Would you mind if I grab copies of a few? I'll credit you, of course. Lemme know. :)


madwriter April 2 2006, 20:07:21 UTC
Go right ahead and snatch them, though most I snatched from Google, so no credit is necessary--well, unless you use an icon with a picture of me in it, and I don't know why you'd want to!

It was good meeting you too--and I was especially glad that I did since, at the risk of sounding stalkery, you seemed to me to be one of the most avid panel attendees we had before Tiffany introduced you. Maybe it's the person-who-was-almost-a-teacher in me, but I tend to notice interest like that, which also feeds my own interest in giving a good presentation. :)


starborn_scribe April 2 2006, 21:58:40 UTC
Woo-hoo! Sleestack icon, here I come! Thanks. :)

You don't sound stalkery at all. I understand what you mean about noticing attentive audience members. The three years that I TAed at Tech made me appreciate students who weren't completely apathetic.


madwriter April 2 2006, 18:39:11 UTC
P.S. Forgot to mention that at least for the time being, everything on my Memories is writing posted to the CritLit filter!


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