The one thing that's gone right today

Jan 05, 2008 14:04

Drum roll, please!

I de-gunked my trackball mouse so I can scroll to the right again! WOW!

Yeah, that's the kind of day I'm having.

What's gone wrong:

Still sick. Still feverish. Now losing my voice.

The zoo and I spent yesterday at B's place. When I packed everyone up to return home I left my cell phone at his place.

I arrived home to a balmy 57 deg. F. My heat pump appears to be on its last legs.

I borrowed a neighbor's phone to call heating repair places. No one answered. Rather than bugging my neighbor further I went back to B's place to get my phone.

Since then things have been getting better.

Heating guy's here. Later!

Update: Well, I feel like an idiot. My heat's back on. All the guy did was change the air filter, which was chock full of dust. (I'd last changed it a few months ago.) Then the heat pump started right up. We're at 65 deg and climbing, baby!

Since all of the equipment seemed to be working, he thinks that it was overheating because of all of the dust. The safety features kicked in and switched off the system. The guy recommended having all of the ductwork cleaned, too. I doubt that that's been done since this place has been built. It certainly looks that way.


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