Ficlet-Handicrafts IshiHime rated K+

Mar 08, 2011 12:26

Title: Handicrafts

Author: StarbearerTM

Pairing: IshidaxOrihime

Rating: K+

Genre: Romance Ficlet

Words: 372

Spoilers: None

Disclaimer: Tite Kubo and Shonen Jump own Bleach, but I do not. I make no money writing this fan fiction. It means no harm to the characters, anime, or manga and is for fan entertainment only.

Nervous blue eyes were guarded behind the squared off lenses. From his wrist hung a silver bracelet with a small cross charm that barely jingled with his movements. Orihime recalled stepping over towards him when he tentatively held up his measuring tape.

Only briefly did it touch across her breasts with the faintest whisper of his fingers. Immediately pale cheeks flushed light pink, then beet red. He almost tripped over his own feet backpedalling. That flustered, "My apologies Inoue san."

Her disarming smile spread along with her nearly shuteyes, a signal to him it was all right. Both jittered with nervous excitement that buzzed between them. One-step brought her close to him so she could rest hands on his shoulders. Always in battle, he kept his head but when it came to another fight, he kept his distance.

Yet as an archer, he maintained a distance from the battle. Selecting the precise moment to knock a spirit charged arrow to a similarly energetic string. Not charging in boldly at close quarters.

Inoue's face turned partly to the side trying to gaze into nerve-guarded eyes flickering back and forth. After all sort of danger faced he grew unhinged in handicrafts club. She murmured, "Ishida kun?"

"Inoue san," he coughed. Why the sudden distance in the living world even though they had faced multiple dangers physically closer? Fortunately, he did not step away at the contact of her soft breasts to his heaving chest. She slid her hands down either shoulder smoothing all the way over muscles hidden by a school shirt.

Her nose brushed his during the effort to kiss him. Hot breath fanned her cheeks from between parted lips. She closed her eyes a second before the barest flutter of a kiss graced her mouth. After her hopes sank, the mouth returned for a longer period accompanied by his arms wrapping around her. Inoue pursed her lips unsure of quite how to move them except for hints from multiple novels, girl magazines, and romance films.

Warm and strong against her his sensitive hands rested along her back as if assorting needle and thread. He handled her as reverently as his sewing notions. Together they discovered the skills inherent in crafting a memory.

ficlet, bleach, ishihime, uryuu, orihime, couple

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