puppy pile matching meme, brought to you by starandrea and the_afterlight

Oct 19, 2008 14:01

Puppy Pile Matching Meme! If you're reading this, you're invited to write a puppy pile of any size and post it to your journal. For each puppy pile you write, starandrea will match it with another (not necessarily from the same fandom) until we have a little puppy pile of love and fic!

("puppy pile" - wherein multiple people pile on top of or beside each other in a friendly way.)

To play, all you have to do is write a puppy pile and tell starandrea where it is at http://starandrea.livejournal.com/514342.html?mode=reply. If you want to invite others to play, just post this meme description at the top or bottom of your story (or picture, poem, or other media).

(ETA: puppy pile compilation list)

1) starandrea's puppy pile

"What's wrong with how the beds were before?" Casey wanted to know.

"Nothing," Lily said. "Move, please."

He stepped back from the end of the bed she'd claimed as her own while she tried to wrestle the other end around. "Unless I want to sleep in mine," she continued, "in which case it can't be square with the rest of the room. It's a thing.

"Can you push that end a little more to the right?" she added.

Casey came forward again, then paused. "Your right, or my right?"

"Closer to the wall," she said.

Casey eyed her over the bed. "Which one?"

She sighed and flopped down on the bed, rolling over to the other side and banging on the wall. "Theo!" she shouted. "Come in here! Casey's useless about beds!"

"Tell him to make one out of towels!" came the reply, and Casey rolled his eyes. A moment later, though, Theo strolled through the door and surveyed the situation. "Why is your bed straight?" he asked Lily.

"Thank you," she said. "See?" she told Casey. "My animal spirit doesn't like straight lines. I can't sleep if my bed lines up with the walls. It has to be kitty-corner."

"Appropriately," Theo added. "So what's the problem? Just put it in that corner."

"I'm trying!" Lily exclaimed. "Casey keeps moving it back!"

"I didn't know what you were trying to do!" Casey protested.

"Look." Lily sat down in the middle of the bed, folding her legs up in front of her, and closed her eyes. There was silence for a moment. Then she tilted her head and said, "See? It's all wrong."

She opened her eyes, but it was clear that Casey had no idea what she was talking about. "No," he said.

"Come on," Theo said. "I'll help."

Between the two of them, they shifted the bed diagonally across the corner so there was an empty triangle of space on the far side. It stuck out awkwardly in the room, but Theo--neat and proper Theo--just waved at it like he was offering a table to customers. "Better?"

Lily bounced onto the bed again, turning in a circle in the center of it, and Theo sat down next to her without invitation. She closed her eyes, relaxing almost immediately, and melted against his shoulder. "Much," she said, not opening her eyes. "Thank you."

A tendril of warmth snaked out from behind her shoulder, echoing the circle she had made on the bed, and Casey's eyes widened. "What was that?"

"Come here," Lily commanded, squirming back on the bed to make room for him between her and Theo. "See if yours likes it too."

"How does he know what his animal spirit likes?" Theo wanted to know. "He can barely channel it through those morphers RJ gave us."

That was enough of a challenge for Casey, who came over and sat down on the edge of the bed expectantly. "What am I supposed to feel?" he asked. "Tell me."

"He did it at the school," Lily said, talking over his head again. Figuratively speaking. "With Jarrod. And Master Mao said he could do it again."

"Uh-huh." Theo laid down, legs hanging over the side of the bed, and stared up at the ceiling. "Let's hope he was right."

"Come on," Lily said, more gently this time. Her arms snaked around Casey's shoulders and he twitched, trying to look at her even as she pulled him backwards. "You'll be able to feel mine, I bet. Master Mao says it's really strong."

"Oh, he always says that to girls," Theo complained. "He just didn't want you to drop out."

"You can tell when he's lying," Lily said, easing Casey down on top of her as she curled up next to Theo, "because he says 'always' and 'never.' He's much more precise about the truth."

Casey's head on her stomach, her head on Theo's chest, and there was the faint sound of a purr in the momentary quiet. Casey blinked. A brush of warmth against his arm, but when he craned his head to look at Theo and part of Lily, neither of them had moved.

Either Casey's imagination was better than he'd thought, or Lily wasn't kidding about her animal spirit.

the end

The Puppy Pile Matching Meme was inspired by the_afterlight, the_afterlight's story Cold Night in Ocean Bluff, and general awesomeness re: the same. So here is your matching puppy pile! ♥

2) match for afterlight

"Hey, check out how awesome this floor is!" Casey was running in place, socks sliding easily under him on the waxed parquet court. "We don't even need a treadmill!"

"A what?" Theo sounded baffled by this concept. "Why would you run on a--"

"Why would you use it for running," Lily interrupted, racing across the room and sliding deliberately into the wall with a laugh, "when you could use it for dancing!"

"Don't you mean for goofing off?" Theo asked.

"Come on, it's good exercise!" Lily ran back in the other direction and slid right into him, knocking him off balance. As he started to grab for her, she tried to spin away, and they both went down in a series of ungraceful thumps.

Casey had to laugh. Skating across the floor, he went down low and slid up against Lily's back just as she was trying to pull away from Theo and sit up. "Ah!" he crowed, leaning back against them. "First a treadmill, now a bench!"

Putting his hands behind his head, he affected a satisfied slouch even as Lily laughed and tried to shove him off. "All the comforts of home," he declared.

the end

jungle fury, puppy pile, fic, quizzes, stories

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