Time to leave this town

Oct 11, 2011 17:23

[ Action ]

[ This world had really become too dangerous lately. The Sailor Senshi were constantly showing up here and more recently two of the other shitennou had arrived. Who knew what they were really trying to do.

So, Nephrite found himself here, at the gummi ship station. One of these would be able to take him to one of the other worlds. That is ( Read more... )

❧ [sailor moon] nephrite, [sailor moon] naru osaka, [sailor moon] kunzite (pgsm), [sailor moon] zoisite (pgsm)

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Comments 38

Private Video ---> Action share_a_parfait October 11 2011, 21:36:15 UTC

[She takes pause at what she's hearing. He couldn't really be leaving again? Without letting her know where he was going or anything? .. But... but she'd just found him again! After--]

You can't mean it. Nephrite, you don't have to go alone!

[She was saying anything she could think of to stall him. As far as Naru knew there was only one way to leave the worlds]

I'll come with you.

[Without giving him much time to respond, Naru was hurrying off to find the gummi docks. She couldn't lose him again!]


Private Video ---> Action stars_know_all October 11 2011, 21:44:29 UTC
No, you can’t come with me. Its too dangerous for you.

[ Er… protest fails though as she just barges into the gummi ship dock? He really should have left first and THEN told her about it. ]

Naru… [He is happy to see her but… ] You shouldn’t have come here.


Action share_a_parfait October 11 2011, 22:04:16 UTC
[La la la- I'm not listening to you. Her eyes light up when she catches sight of him.]

Oh good! You're still here... I.. I didn't miss you.

[Rushes over to his side]

Don't be ridiculous.. of course I came. It's just as dangerous for you to go wandering off to worlds you've never been to before. I won't let you go by yourself.


Action stars_know_all October 11 2011, 22:07:22 UTC
[Frown. ]

Its not as dangerous for me as it is for you…

[He has powers, you don’t. Never mind there are people actually trying to find him. ]

You should go to that school everyone was talking about. You would be safe there.


[Action - Traverse Town Docks] musicite October 11 2011, 21:46:10 UTC
[Zoisite, for all the direct notice he gives Nephrite, could have just happened to be here. He lets the breeze play with the hem of his cloak.]

You are planning to leave here?

[It does not sit well with him, the thought of the shitennou separating; even under Beryl, they had been able to remain together in his own world.]


[Action - Traverse Town Docks] stars_know_all October 11 2011, 21:51:44 UTC
[You Sir, are not someone he is happy to see. Why is it always a Zoisite that plagues him? Irony. ]

That is none of your business.


[Action - Traverse Town Docks] musicite October 11 2011, 21:55:35 UTC
[Well, some things do stay constant between worlds, apparently.]

Nephrite... [He isn't good at this. He wants to march Nephrite to a piano, sit him down, and make him remember. He may get frustrated enough to do exactly that, eventually. But for right now, he tries this way instead.]

Do you even understand what you are running from? We are not your enemies. We are comrades, at the very least. [And so much more: brothers.]


[Action - Traverse Town Docks] stars_know_all October 11 2011, 22:02:12 UTC
My comrades from my world conspired to have me killed… Is it any wonder why I choose not to trust you people now?

[He had just suffered a very traumatic event before arriving here so Nephrite is even more on guard than he would have been on Earth… especially around Zoisite. You maybe different but your name is the same.]


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[Action] stars_know_all October 12 2011, 02:48:32 UTC
[This silence… It means he either doesn’t know or has no intention of telling you. Likely a combination of both. ]

It doesn’t matter.


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[Action] stars_know_all October 12 2011, 18:37:24 UTC
[Right now, knowing that he can be tracked down where ever he goes is not a comforting thought. ]

If you do I will defend myself! I alright told Zoisite I don’t want anything to do with you!


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