Video ミ☆2.

Jun 04, 2011 19:54

[The camera flashes on and Sora is staring down at it grinning, but he doesn't seem to know it's on.] Hey, you were right, Riku. I did leave it at the café!

[He leaves the café and goes back over to his two friends who are in the middle of Traverse Town waiting for him. He waves the communicator at Kairi and Riku cheerfully and sets it down with ( Read more... )

❧ [kingdom hearts] ventus, ❧ [kingdom hearts] yuffie, ❧ [kingdom hearts] terra, ❧ [kingdom hearts] riku, ❧ [psych] carlton lassiter, [kingdom hearts] sora, ❧ [final fantasy xiii] lightning, [kingdom hearts] kairi, ❧ [kingdom hearts] aerith, ❧ [kingdom hearts] leon

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[Action] dawns_knight June 5 2011, 08:59:54 UTC
[Okay, Riku's so taking that communicator, because clearly you can't be trusted with it, Sora. :|]


[Action] wanderstheskies June 5 2011, 09:22:09 UTC
[What? No! It's mine! Use your own! :C]

It was an accident, Riku! I mean... it wasn't all bad was it? I thought we sounded pretty good!

[He gives a small laugh.]


[Action] dawns_knight June 5 2011, 09:43:03 UTC
[This look, Sora, because really, you would think that. Besides he's not willing to put up with you messing around with technology. After all, you just might end up getting them all transported into the thing. Wouldn't be the first time.]


[Action] wanderstheskies June 5 2011, 09:57:19 UTC
Well we did... Kairi you were great!

[First time as far as you know... Right...? RIGHT? ...Have you been talking to Leon?!]

Plus! I'd never have known you felt so passionate about paopus before this...

[Guess who's getting a cool pair of paopu slippers for their birthday this year!]


[Action] dawns_knight June 5 2011, 10:24:11 UTC
[Kairi is Kairi, and she can actually pull this off without totally embarrassing herself. Also, he doesn't need to talk to Leon; when he can talk to the king. And who knows, he might have been stalking you back then. Not that you'll ever find out if that was really the case.]

That's funny coming from the guy, who's considering gummi block conspiracies.

[Great. Just what he always wanted.]


[Action] wanderstheskies June 5 2011, 10:43:58 UTC
[That's true. Most anything Kairi did was great. Stalker?! Oh, damn, right, he almost forgot about the gummi song. A faint blush appears on face.]

Well they are weird! What completely lifeless thing demands that you smile while using it? It's freaky!

[Oh, he knows Riku. He knows. :)]


[Action] dawns_knight June 5 2011, 10:52:15 UTC
[Have a blank look again, because you do realize how ridiculous you are sounding, don't you, Sora?]


[Action] wanderstheskies June 5 2011, 11:03:46 UTC
...Oh, shut up. Like rancid paopus were any better. [Huffs and looks away.]


[Action] dawns_knight June 5 2011, 11:19:22 UTC
Tch. [You had to bring that up again, huh?]

How about, you don't mention the paopus, I won't mention the gummis.



[Action] wanderstheskies June 6 2011, 06:38:33 UTC
[Damn right he did!]

... Alright, fine.

[Deal... but you still might be getting paopu slippers this year.]


[Action] Joining in now, because Kairi is finding this too amsuing watchesthesea June 5 2011, 11:22:08 UTC
[Kairi had been keeping out of this, she didn't have a reason to talk much, but instead to watched and was smiling before finding a place to step in.]

Come on guys, it was still fun to do... even though we found out what you two thing about certain things.


[Action] wanderstheskies June 6 2011, 08:23:38 UTC
Heh, easy for you to say. At least you didn't break into song about ...dolphins or something.

[He smiles though.] It was kinda fun! And who knew Riku could sing?

[Pats him on the back.]


[Action] watchesthesea June 6 2011, 13:01:45 UTC
I like dolphins, but I don't think there's much I don't have a theory on myself.

[Lets out a slight laugh.] It was and Riku was a really good singer, but so were you Sora.


[Action] dawns_knight June 6 2011, 18:04:36 UTC
[Frowning, because really, he's not. Also, stop patting his back, Sora; it won't get you back your communicator. :|]


[Action] wanderstheskies June 6 2011, 23:32:42 UTC
I like gummis... at least... I thought I did. [Laughs.]

Really? [He blushes a little.] I guess I'll have to thank Ariel for that.

[...Makes a reach for the communicator while Riku seems too distracted by his scowling. Come ooooooooon!]


[Action] watchesthesea June 7 2011, 13:07:02 UTC
I think gummis are kind of cute, working on smiles and all.

[She doesn't know what's more amusing, the song they just song or Sora trying to get his communicator back.]


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