A Hero Emerges! - Video (for all) - Action (for Naru and Terra)

Oct 25, 2011 16:33

[Unwittingly, Naru had wandered into the 3rd district in Traverse Town. She didn't think much of it because this world was totally safe right? Looking from side to side she tried to decide whether she should turn around or see what other sorts of establishments might be down this path.]

It's strange, I don't remember seeing this place before.. and I thought I'd been everywhere

[She said to herself. Walking along a little farther she didn't notice that something very short and dark was following her, nor that it was gathering friends.]

There doesn't seem to be much to see though..

[Naru turned to leave, then she first caught sight of the heartless. Gasping, she dropped her bag and the communicator tumbled out, starting to record the scene]

When did you get here? I- I don't want any trouble.... just.. just let me get by and I'll leave you alone.

[The heartless bobbed to and fro and didn't seem to care what she was saying. She'd remembered seeing the creatures just before she arrived here and knew to be leery of them. Quietly, she kneeled down to gather her things, hoping they would just leave her alone. ]

I'll be out of here in no time, real-- Eeeee!!


[ Meanwhile on the other side of Traverse Town!

She'd been having difficulties lately, but she hadn't any idea how to deal with it, or who to talk to. Who could understand what she was going to? Back in Traverse Town, in the hopes that a friend would have shown up, she clutched her hand to her chest, flinching against the familiar build up of power. Just like before, when ...

She staggered to a halt. She could sense things around her - people, moogles ...and heartless. Normally she could keep that power under control, but when she heard a scream, it distracted her. In that moment of distraction, it consumed her - an unearthly scream ripped out of her as she changed, from human to esper.

She felt lighter on her feet - remembering the scream of the girl, she lunged forward, following the sound and the sense of creatures, all but diving into the frey. Hi Naru, have a fiery pink OMGWTFISTHAT beast coming to your aide. She won't stay long. ]


[ooc: The only thing the device picked up was the heartless attack. So those watching could have seen Naru getting attacked, her fiery pink hero and not Terra's transformation. You are welcome to reply over the comm. The red indicates Terra's section, the black is Naru's :3. This is backdated before Naru left Traverse Town]

[sailor moon] ami mizuno (mercury), [final fantasy vi] terra bradford, ❧ [sailor moon] nephrite, [sailor moon] naru osaka

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