Here is 28 seconds of the Stanford/Ashmore/Girl Who Plays Callisto That I Can't Look Up Right Now Because I'm On the Shitty Computer At WorkRameriez interview. Someone's brother was supposed to record it and didn't or something.
I don't know the story.
Anyway.. Basically, here's the rundown of what happened according to whoever told Sunny(
: )
Comments 6
one commnent..why the hell did he cut his hair and look younger? it makes me love him more when i shouldn't, seeing as i'm half his age! lol
never thought about that. i mean, in the X movies he has to cut his hair it makes sense, but it still bugs me lol
He looks so small up there! Maybe they'll have the clips online soon.
Everyone remember to watch Fox at 8:30 tommorrow-they're showing a 7-minute preview then.
I'm going to be at home (ancestral, not in which I live).
I'm doing what I can to try to find out exactly what was said in that interview..
I'll keep my eyes peeled.
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