1. Name: Laura
2. Age: (note- if you're under 14, youre not supposed to be on the internet): Yes, I'm almost 18 and why wouldn't I be on the internet if I was only 14?
3. On Saturday night, you can be found: On the computer/on stamping comms :D, watching a movie or at a friends place.
4. would you rather a good book or movie: Movie. I love books too, but I get frustrated if/when the plot drags on and on and I'd have better things to do by then. I'm too impatient to really read, at least very long books :D
5. dance club or coffee house: Hmmm... Tricky tricky... Dance Club maybe more likely.
6. hobbies: Photography, wandering aimlessly in nature, movies & music, stamping comms and such on lj obviously :D, etc.
7. favorite color: Emerald green.
8. anything else you'd like to tell us: Uhh, nope? Thanks!
9. pictures (At least 3)
SORRY, I JUST *HAD* TO :D okay okay, more normal piccies then...
Nowadays I have a medusa-piercing (upper lip, center) and shooorter hair. And I'm thinking of dying my hair BLONDE. :D Sry guys, too much info. I know.