hibird shall dominate the world to the extreme~! 8D

May 07, 2008 18:03


1) Name: kat
2) Age: 14


3) Your main positive traits judging yourself is hard D: but I'm sure I am polite, since everyone tells me so. I'm dense o: I don't mind people discriminating me or offending me, so this is good, right? I am also a person that doesn't do the same mistake when once learned the lesson 8D and maybe loyal? never betrayed someone yet, I think.

4) Your main negative traits LAZY, curious ( almost got suspended at school a LOT because of it ), I don't care much on what's happening in the world ( though I am aware of global warming XD ), lazy, unsociable, greedy ( esp. when there are 2 more chocolates left o.< ), and lazy 8D

5) This makes you =D rainbows~! no srsly. family bondings ( w/c is very often XD ), high grades XD I'm sick and tired of low scores xp

6) This makes you ;'( surprisingly, this question is hard D: when I feel loss or pain? xp

7) This makes you >:( my little brother D: but to think about it O.o I don't get mad often

8) What animal stereotype (donkey=dumb, dog=loyal etc.) do you think fits you the most? *goes to wikipedia XD* either the lazy cat, the mischievous monkey or the loyal dog 8D


9) What do you value the most in your friends? happiness

10) Do you think taking a humans life can be justified? yes? D: I don't kinda get this question. but taking a human life is a no-no

11) How would you like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! to end? tsuna NOT dying after ten years D:

12) What do you want to do with your life? choose the right coarse, graduate college, get a job and be happy 8D

Music is life!

13) Your theme song is? O.o I don't have one. no srsly

14) If where to play in a band, what would you do? keyboard ♥ ♥ ♥~! I love keyboards XD


What would you do if faced with those circumstances.

15)If someone really died and made you king, would you take the chance? I will politely say no. I greatly fear responsibility.

16) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are. I will shout out loud for help in front of our house first and go look for them in the house. since our house is small it will be easy to find them (if ever they are there) and what's the use of living if I didn't do anything to save them D: might cause me sleepless nights or something

17) A complete stranger is hitting on you! I will politely say 'thank you' or something and will run for my life D: my mother told me never talk to strangers.

18) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms. I will give it to the police.

19) Is there anything you would sacrifice your own life for? it says anything not anyone, right? *ish trying to be a smartass >;3* hrmn... none~! 8D

Pick one

20) Party/Reading reading. I don't like being surrounded by many people that much =w=;; and books are my life~! 8D

21) 2 million dollar/A friend for life a friend for life, even though I know I already have one.

22) Never be able to give compliments again/Have a cold for the rest of your life 1st option o: I am a malnourished kid xp having a cold forever will make my health worse =w=;;


23) Do you sleep with plushies? yes, with my two cat plushies XD

24) Which Reborn! character would you rather spend a day as? I want to be with basil or tsuna XD but nah, I'd rather go with fuuta and ask some rankings the whole day. just curious 8D

25) If you had the chance to start over with your life, would you take it? no wai please D: I've already experienced enough student life and responsibilities, thank you very much.

26) Something that a very few know about you I am evil >;3

27) Anything else? I shall dominate the world with my hibird minions >;3 *hides from hibari because I stole his hibird*

stamped!v1, stamped!kyoko

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