Links to three applications you’ve voted for Basics
¤ 1) Name Seth
¤ 2) Age 23
¤ 3) Country USA
¤ 4) From a first impression, what kind of person do you appear to be? All I know is that I've been told I come off as intimidating, but not overly so. Probably no more than any other stranger you'd encounter. Besides, I have a friend who would say that I'm just silly and awkward. I tend to say things without thinking sometimes, and they're pretty funny.
¤ 5) How does that differ from the person you are? I'm not that bad, really. Sure, I like some people more than others, but I tend to be a little more withdrawn when I don't feel like I fit in. When I do fit in, I put myself out there.
¤ 6) What kind of person do you want to become, then? I don't really see why I need to change. I could work on some points, probably, but I can only be me. Maybe less jealous, have a little more confidence; that never hurt anybody.
¤ 7) What, or who, is your inspiration in life? I don't know if I have 'inspiration'. All I know is that my girlfriend is the most important person. I'd do anything for her.
¤ 8) What are your major strong points? I'm good under stress; I work pretty well when I have a lot to do; I listen; I'm more of an optimist than I let on; I can think for myself; I like new ways of looking at things.
¤ 9) What are your major weak points? I hate change on some things; I get jealous; it's hard to find motivation for some things sometimes.
¤ 10) What makes you (^__^) =D? My girlfriend; The color green; Good sushi; Theatre; Coffee.
¤ 11) What makes you (¤>__<) >:(? People being stupid; missing a deadline; not finding a way to be optimistic.
¤ 12) What makes you (;__;) ;(? When my girlfriend is anything but smiling; if I'm the one that did something to hurt her; being chewed out for something; being disappointed in myself.
¤ 13) What is your general mood? I'm usually optimistic, fairly cheerful. Usually mostly easygoing.
¤ 14) Do you think taking a human's life can be justified? If my girlfriend's life was threatened; I would kill for her. Self-defense, too. And if it's someone like a murderer, who has already taken another's life.
¤ 15) What do you think of Love? I never knew it was anything special until I met my girlfriend. Now I can't let go. But I'm serious about it; it's generally an easygoing thing, but when it gets serious, it's intense.
¤ 16) How do you view your life? It's the only one I have. I wish I could fix some parts, and do some things differently, but then that would impact the person I am now.
¤ 17) Do you “live” in the past, present or future? I often think of things in the past because I like to reflect on them, but I know that if I miss the present, I can't go back and do it again.
¤ 18) Could you risk your life on a 15% chance of dying under unknown conditions if you would get really rich if you succeed? Nah. The chance is so low that it's more likely to get killed, so the offered money is a moot point.
¤ 19) There’s war. Some people fight for their lives, some try to flee the field, some protect their family, some hide, some nurse the sick, some organize people, some steal, some try to stop the fights… Where are you? This is an idealistic question. You can answer where you think you might be, but war makes people do things they normally wouldn't. But I'd protect the person most important to me.
¤ 20) If you had Mukuro's power to possess people, how would you use it? I'd want to use it to possess influential people -- not to make them do bad things, but to see what it's like in their life, how different it is from my own.
¤ 21) A smiling, white-haired man comes to your house, eats all of your marshmallows, and says he needs your powers in the Mafia to overthrow other Mafias. (You’re getting nicely paid and free ice-cream for a year!) I wonder what would happen if I were lactose intolerant...Ah, in any case, it might be interesting, but it depends on how much it changes my current life. I know it would, just a matter of how much. I'm curious.
¤ 22) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms. I'd probably find the owner and return it.
¤ 23) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are. Well, I'd check the driveway for cars first. If I see them there, then I know who's inside. I have plenty of sentimental stuff in there, but I'm also not stupid enough to go in if there's no way. Besides, I'm not trained for that kind of thing.
¤ 24) How do you eat your hotdogs? I don't. Don't eat the meat.
¤ 25) What’s your theme song? "Mess", Ben Folds Five. Or "Gotta Knock A Little Harder", Mai Yamane.
¤ 26) Tell us a character from another fandom that you identify yourself with? I don't know. There are too many fandoms I've been a part of. And I've changed too much to say that I think I really fit with any one character. This might seem like a cop-out answer, but it's the truth. I don't usually end up liking the ones I'm probably closest to, anyway.
¤ 27) Give us a picture of, or describe your room My room is actually the same way it's been since I was thirteen. I'd like to change it because my tastes and styles have changed, but it's a big hassle. My walls are yellow, I have a dresser, bureau, tv, desk, beside table, and my bed. Most of the stuff is wood...or something green. I had a huge bookcase, but most of my books are packed up right now, so I only have a small one just outside in the hall. My room's fairly neat, but lived-in. It's my comfort place.