May 08, 2010 07:45

Title:  Freak Out
Author: stamatina_rae      
Challenge:  drabble123     
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Table: Directions
Prompt: #17, Fly
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Through Season 2, my previous three drabble123 series.  
Summary: Chapter 70.  Gracie's not a kid anymore, Liz spazzes out.

A/N:  Day 4 of 5 day fic challenge.  Bad news and better news, folks.  Bad news = I didn't plan on using any additional chapters of this series as part of the 5 day fic challenge (mostly because I know the series as a whole isn't that popular) but life and work are busting my balls this week.  Big time.  And I just haven't had the time and energy to finish the other fics I originally planned on posting.  So deal with it, readers!  But the better news = as a result of posting more drabble123 chapters, this 5 day fic challenge is going to last more than 5 days.  Maybe 7?  Maybe 8+?  Not sure yet.  It'll just have to be a surprise I guess ;)

Feedback/comments always appreciated. 
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Don't sue.

Liz smiles at Gracie's picture on her caller ID.

"Hey, Mom.  You busy?"

"Not really.  What's up?"

"Do you, um, wanna get a cup of coffee or something?"

"Sure, but what about practice?"


“Oh, okay.  Then, yeah, I’d love to.”

Gracie's already sitting at a small table outside when she arrives at the restaurant.

"So, everything okay, honey?" Liz asks after they order.

"I need to ask you something.  But you have to promise you won't freak out."

"Freak out?  Me?" Liz scoffs.

"Can I start taking birth control?"

"Oh, my God!!!!  What?!?!?!"

Gracie cringes, hides her face as people turn and stare.  The waitress even comes over.  "Everything alright, ladies?"

"Yup!  Everything's great!" Liz shouts like a giant spaz.  She's not lying when she soon mutters, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

Gracie is beyond mortified, and near tears.  "I knew you'd freak out."  She grabs her bag and promptly leaves.

Liz, shocked and dismayed, frantically throws a couple of $20’s on the table and goes after her.

"Gracie, stop!"

She spins around, eyes ablaze.  "I didn't even have to ask you!  I could've just gone to Planned Parenthood!"

“B-b-but you’re only 16,” Liz stammers.

“Only 16?  You honestly didn't think Lane and I were having sex by now?  We’ve been together for two years already.”

“I’m not that naïve.  I just…I don’t know.”  She staggers towards the closest set of steps, collapses defeatedly.  “You caught me off guard, okay?  I need time to think.  To talk to your father.”

“You can’t tell Dad!  He’ll kill Lane!  And then he’ll kill me!

"I hate keeping secrets from your father.  I can't even do it if I try.”

“No, way!   Forget it.  This conversation never happened.”  And off she goes again, flying down the block and out of sight.


Chapter 71 here...

drabble123, jack/liz

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