Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (Liz/Gretchen) - #216, History

Dec 06, 2009 06:54

Title: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Author: stamatina_rae
Prompt: femslash100 - #216, History
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Liz/Gretchen, Jack/Liz (friendship)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
Summary: Jack turns the night around. Sequel to Up In Smoke.

Feedback/comments always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Don't sue.

“Get dressed, Thomas. We’re late.”

Gretchen, baffled, eyes Jack as he struts through her apartment door uninvited. “No, please come in.”

“We're late for dinner. With Liz and her parents. Or had you forgotten?”

“The only thing I forgot is when we invited you,” is her rejoinder while dismissively walking past.

Jack grabs her wrist, releases it upon meeting her icy glare. “Thomas, please.”

"No. I'm not going, Jack. Liz isn't ready."

“It’s not ea-”

“It’s been eight months.” Swallowing hard, a wounded edge to her voice, “You’re still the only person she’s told.”

“Thomas, we’ve known each other a long time. A very long time. And...I’ve never seen you happier than you are with Liz.” Her eyes mist over as he continues. “She’s ready. She’s scared, and she needs a little push, but she’s ready. Don’t let her down when she needs you the most.”


“So sorry to keep you waiting. I had to pick up a friend.”

The Lemons ecstatically jump to their feet. Jack completes the introductions and they're instantly mesmerized by the gorgeous blonde on his arm, who then very politely excuses herself to help Liz in the kitchen.

“Holy mackerel, Jack! You have to fend these beautiful New York women off with a stick, don’t you?” Dick kids.

Jack chuckles softly, admitting, “Actually not this one, Dick.”

He locks eyes with Liz as she slowly enters, her fingers fusing with Gretchen’s. The smile on her face the best thank you he could ever receive.


jack/liz, liz/gretchen, femslash100

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