
Dec 07, 2010 16:20

• Kanda was never Tiedoll's pupil, instead deciding to just out on missions after Mugen was reforged into a sword in search of "that person."

• During one of Kanda's early missions, something caused him to snap and resulted in both akuma and Finders to be killed. Before returning to the Order, Kanda took the time to bury the Finders, and simply told that "they were killed" upon his return. He never said how, everyone just assumed it was the akuma's doing due to the lack of bodies.

• Kanda first met the Earl after an ambush, where akuma killed everyone but him (this time). When the Earl came to destroy Kanda's innocence, Kanda purged his body of the poison and failed a successful surprise attack due to being overcome by fear. It's the only time Kanda has ever been scared since Alma's death.

• Being a Second, the Earl decided to spare Kanda's life in exchange for information on the Order and Innocence over time. Thinking of only finding "that person," Kanda accepted, thinking being a part of both sides of the war would help him find her faster.

• Kanda's never given a straight report to the Earl in his life, actually. Just tells him of rumors of unusual happenings that the Finders have yet to investigate. Due to all the paperwork Komui and everyone else has, several missing reports won't be missed out of a mountain possibly as tall as the HQ building, after all.

• Either akuma or Tease is used to surveillance Kanda while he's out on missions. When the akumas started to become too noticable (stalking and staring much?), just Tease was used.

• Kanda would take extra time on random missions to either find one of the Noah or the Earl himself to rely information. Kanda has always given the answer of "had to rest" as an excuse as to why he took a day longer than necessary on his missions.

• Whenever he's inside the Ark to report, Kanda is always seen with a Tease on his shoulder. It seems to have a thing for him.

• True to canon, Kanda doesn't get along with Allen at all. He's a bit more of a bastard to everyone in order to keep them away moreso than in canon. Lavi's actually been the only one to question Kanda's motifs for being in the Order. Kanda's always dismissed him when asked. It's none of his business.

• Kanda was eventually assigned to Tiedoll's unit prior to the choas in Barcelona. Dasiya was the only one in the entire Order that Kanda considered the closest thing to a friend since Alma. When he died, he's tried not to let it get to him.

• Kanda's had to lay low and stick with the Order since, until reaching Edo. But Rhode would occassionally check in through his dreams, moreso to piss him off than an actual check in.

• While stuck in the Ark, stalker!Tease followed Kanda at a distance. He just passed it off as Tyki being a creepy stalker. It was later noted that when they left Kanda to fight Skinn, the Tease stopped following them.

• By the time the Ark had been restored, the Tease was gone. When questioned about it, Kanda avoided it. It really didn't help him.

• Whenever Allen was placed under constant surveillance due to being the 14th, Kanda was as well due to suspicion of association with the Earl. Kanda, aside from Allen, is the only one to have the most contant with the Noah. Link was assigned to watch Allen as in canon, and Kanda got members of Crow.

• When the Level 4 attacked, Kanda knocked out the Crow at his door and left to help. Afterward, Kanda was confined to his room, not allowed to leave unless it was on a mission with Allen Walker, where Link could keep an eye on both.

• Being the one who knew Kanda best, Marie was later asked simply to watch for any suspicious behavior when Kanda was with him during missions and away from Link, such as waiting for Phantom Thief G to appear in Paris.

• When he came face-to-face with the Fourteenth, he didn't immediately blurt out 'bean sprout.' He hesitated, instead, long enough for the Fourteenth to acknowledge him before he did it.

• In Jordan, Kanda chose to go with Wisely willingly and brutally killed Tevak, instead of being kidnapped due to 'being summoned by the Earl.' When they arrived at the North America branch, he was shocked to see that Alma was still alive. He hid it, however, and simply asked who it was, and at the same time was confronted by Leverrier. Kanda snapped, and moved to lop off Leverrier's head but was stopped by Cyril, stating 'it would be a shame to have you Fall after everything you've worked hard for.'

• Fights Alma as in canon

• Debt is considered "paid" by "dying" fighting Alma to wake the Fourteenth.

• Returns to the Order three months later with Marie and Lenalee, word quickly spreads of his return.

• Found by Crow quickly to be taken to higher-ups, greeted by the Cardinal.

• Imprisoned for interrogation on Allen Walker's whereabouts upon confirmation on working for the Earl.
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