Title: Almost Author: silver_magess Fandom: Saiyuki Pairing: Kougaiji/Goku Theme: Five Emotions-Surprise Rating: PG-13 for mentions of violence Word Count: 100 ( Almost )
Title: Small Author: silver_magess Fandom: Saiyuki Pairing: Kougaiji/Goku Theme: Five Emotions-Regret Rating: PG-13 for mentions of violence Word Count: 100 ( Read more... )
Title: Emptiness of Everything Author/Artist: rhosyn_du Theme: Commitment Rating: PG Author's Notes: Thank you to andmydog and mellow_dk for the beta help Sequel to A Mind That Lets Go
Title: A Mind That Lets Go Author/Artist: rhosyn_du Theme: Intimacy Rating: PG Author's Notes: The quoted lines are taken from the first chapter of the Burial arc. Sequel to Transmuting the Passions
Title: Transmuting the Passions Author/Artist: rhosyn_du Theme: Passion Rating: PG Author's Notes: Thanks to andmydog for the beta Sequel to Continual Awareness
Title: Seeing Through Appearances Author/Artist: rhosyn_du Theme: Attraction Rating: G Author's Notes: Takes place while Ukoku is still Kenyuu. Many thanks to andmydog for the beta.