[drabble] Kyou Kara Maou, Yuuri x Wolfram, Five Wrongs

Jun 14, 2006 11:57

Title: Acceptance
Author: Moonraven
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Pairing: Yuuri x Wolfram
Challenge: Five Wrongs - Five
Rating: PG
Warning: Shounen-ai, unbetaed
Word Count 100

Additional notes: This is kind of a prequel - well, a summary of the first chapter ^^; of the fic I am writing, Lonely Hearts. It can also be stand-alone since it's a part of ( Read more... )

kyou kara maou, five wrongs, yuuri shibuya/wolfram von bielefeld

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Comments 14

archon_mentha June 14 2006, 19:26:30 UTC
These have all been absolutely lovely - you're on a roll with the angst lately, aren't you! *HUGS* Poor Yuuri...as angry as he makes me sometimes, I really feel for him here. But that's 'cause you're awesome!


moonraven_croft June 14 2006, 21:54:56 UTC

*nibbles you*

*points to stagesoflove* Blame the challenge for the angst. ^_^; But I have to admit that it provides a really good set up for me to go into the story that's been sitting on my hard drive, no da! And the muses are biting! O_O So I think I better start writing! *laughs*

*hugs you* Thank you! Your liking them means more to me than you could possibly think.


shayheyred June 14 2006, 21:03:17 UTC
Aw. Get back, you silly Maou!


moonraven_croft June 14 2006, 21:55:25 UTC

*whispers* He's going, he's going. ^____^


prongsy June 14 2006, 21:17:08 UTC
That is a wrong. Yuuri no baka! I'd kill him, but I'd hate to take away one of the few joys left to Wolfie. Grrr. I mean sure, he regrets it, but he just left Wolf all by himself with no thought for him. I have to go with Wolf here, Yuuri is a major hennachoko! And it's all about his needs. He leaves because he can't handle it (which hurts Wolf) and now he wants to go back because he wants Wolf suddenly (which is unfair... poor Wolfram is getting yanked around... he's gonna turn into Naoe soon... either that or I've been watching too much MoB so my mind just goes that way. XD). Anyway, brilliant (though frustrating... Yuuri no baka) story as usual!! *glomps*


moonraven_croft June 14 2006, 22:02:17 UTC

Gah! Naoe! I lust love Naoe. *pets him* That story just does not end well. *sighs*

*beams* So glad you like it! Sorry for the frustration... I don't know why I had to pick 'Five Wrongs' as the challenge. Cataloging his mistakes is just so disheartening!

Did you get my email? I'm reviving a story and I think I'd sent the first chapter to you. You hit the nail on the spot about idiot Yuuri! *glares at him* Wolfram is going to make him work for it though. ^^; Much more than he did in Discoveries. Eek! *beats back angst muse*

Thank you again, sweets!!!


melodi_chan June 15 2006, 05:01:51 UTC

so sad. ;__;

*hugs wolf*


Nicely done, girl. ;D *hugs*


moonraven_croft June 15 2006, 18:16:01 UTC

^___^ It is sad... I'm sorry. But I will make it better. I'm working on the continuation now. You KNOW I need my happy ending, ne?


melodi_chan June 18 2006, 01:50:10 UTC
I haven't seen that icon in a while. D:

*hugs it*


Yesh!!! YAY for the happy ending. :D



hineko_eloriel June 15 2006, 05:07:54 UTC
Break my heart why don't ya? T_T So sad... Great, but sad. Well done as always.


moonraven_croft June 15 2006, 18:17:25 UTC

*cries with you* Love your icon, btw. ^_^

I'm sorry! *fixes your heart* I'll make it better, promise!


hineko_eloriel June 15 2006, 18:23:10 UTC
Yeah, I love that icon to bits. It's made by my beloved sister-in-law cerridwene. Very gankable. YYH is so very easy to make that kind of icons of. XD

...do you have any Super glue? I'm not sure that if can be fixed otherwise. Maybe if you write something fluffy next time. ^_~


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