Title: The Kiss Author: Moonraven Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou Pairing: Yuuri x Wolfram Challenge: Five Wrongs - Four Rating: PG Warning: Shounen-ai, unbetaed Word count: 100
*points to the icon* That was my first reaction. The second one was that I want to know more! What will happen next? You evil little writer, leaving us hanging like that. XD
Ah... what comes next. Hmmm... you may not like it much since Yuuri will be making ANOTHER mistakes. ^^; But it will be something hopeful, I... hope. ^^;
Comments 14
Ah... what comes next. Hmmm... you may not like it much since Yuuri will be making ANOTHER mistakes. ^^; But it will be something hopeful, I... hope. ^^;
Thank you!
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*laughs* Isn't it just like him, though?
And he's not out of the woods, yet! One more mistake coming up!
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