Fic: I don't Like Mondays by HYPERFocused (Sports Night, Dan/Casey PG13)

May 28, 2006 23:00

Title: I Don't Like Mondays
Author: HYPERFocused
Fandom: Sports Night
Prompt: Monday
Pairing: Dan Rydell/Casey McCall
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 500 (250 plus 250)
A/N: For stagesoflove, Days of the Week.

It finally happened on a Monday night. The product of too many drinks at Anthony's, on top of the painkillers from Casey's earlier dental surgery -- he was a lightweight when it came to the good drugs -- and Dan found himself with one Casey McCall, plastered to him, and more than a little bit plastered.

Dan did his best to be noble, laid Casey out on his bed, and tried to get up, but Casey just rolled toward him, and pulled him back onto the bed.

"C'mon, Danny. There's lotsa room." Casey scooted an infenitisimal bit away, to illustrate the point.

"There's room on the sofa, too. I'll be fine."

"Nah, stay. The bed won't stop spinning."

"And it'll help to have two of us in it?" Much as he wanted to share a bed with Casey, share everything with him, Dan wasn't enthused about the prospect of Casey getting sick on his sheets.

"Of course. You keep me grounded. See? It's not spinning now. Everything's nice and smooooth." Casey sat up, making a sweeping motion with his arm to illustrate the point, then flopped back down again. "Erm... maybe not."

"Stop moving, Casey. It's safer that way." Dan sat carefully on the bed, and began untying Casey's shoes, slipping them off so he doesn't trip. "Now get some rest. You'll feel better soon."

"You'll stay, though, right?" Casey asked, already sliding into sleep.

"Yeah, Casey. I'll be right here." Dan slipped under the covers beside him, wishing that Casey would allow himself to be this affectionate sober.

Casey's head was throbbing when he woke up a few hours later, and he had to pee like a racehorse. He crawled out of the bed gingerly, trying not to wake Dan, who was sprawled out beside him, hair sticking up wildly, and drooling.

It was a little bit adorable, something Casey didn't want to think too much about. There were a lot of things he'd been avoiding thinking about where Dan was concerned.

Looking at him now made it difficult to avoid. Casey knew how Dan felt about him. He'd felt it literally, solid and thick through the sweatpants Dan had thrown on. They were worn pretty thin, and Casey could feel the heat through the faded, pilled cotton.

It wasn't that it wouldn't feel good, to do what Dan wanted, to be with him that way. Casey wanted it too, most of the time. It's just that it would change things, and he liked the way things were. It was safer for both of them.

But maybe he could give them both this one chance. If Dan still thought he was drunk, then whatever happened wouldn't have to mean -- whatever it meant. Casey made sure to weave a little when he walked back from the bathroom. He draped himself half on top of Dan, reaching around to stroke warm flesh. Dan feigned sleep -- Casey could tell by the way his breath hitched -- and leaned into the touch.

"Love you, Casey," he mumbled. Casey wished he could allow himself to remember.
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