Kyou Kara Maou: Five Loves of Yuuri Shibuya, Pt. 3

May 26, 2006 15:31

Posting this a week early, as I am on my way out of town for the long weekend and next week All Hell is breaking loose. Hope that's okay.

Title: Impression
Author: shayheyred
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou, Yuuri Shibuya, Five Loves
Warnings: None, unless you are het-averse (Het? Shay's writing het?!!111!)
Notes: Yuuri's a closet romantic. Heh.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Part I: Conception
Part II: Obsession

"You two look good together!"

Yuuri jumps; he's so intent on the fair-haired woman before him he didn't hear Cheri-sama come out on the balcony from the party. "Um," he says faintly, blushing to the roots of his hair. "Um, I-"

"Mother, how could you?!" Wolfram (who's been lurking sullenly the whole time) comes away from the wall with furious intent. "How can you say such a thing in front of me, Yuuri's fiancé?!" and mother and son go at it tooth and nail. Relieved, Yuuri turns back to the woman beside him, to the tinkling bells of her laughter. "Thank goodness they went back inside," he sighs.

"Cheri-sama is very sweet, don't you think, Yuuri?" Flurin's lilting voice is playful and her eyes sparkle with amusement.

"Um, er, yes." He hates how he mumbles at her, stumbling over words, but Yuuri's already half in love with the beautiful queen of Caloria. The first thing he thought when he saw her was What a beautiful lady! and if anything, she's grown more lovely. In his eyes she's perfection: gentle manners, pale flowing hair, eyes that glitter like jewels (not an intense, angry emerald like Wolfram's, but softer, the color of the sea). Her slender figure fits perfectly against his own; she's even shorter than he is, which is a rare commodity in this world of tall, handsome people. Flurin even has a tragic past, which makes her exceptionally alluring to Yuuri's secretly (and embarrassingly) romantic nature.

Her hand is on his arm. He catches his breath as gooseflesh rises. Could she like me, too?

He definitely gets that impression. After all, she followed him on his quest - even stowed away to be part of the action. That, Yuuri concludes, is very, very cool. She's like the heroine of some manga, or anime, or even a computer game.


She seemed genuinely pleased to see him tonight. No - happy to see him. Delighted, in fact. And isn't it the usual kind of thing for rulers of different countries to, you know, make political marriages for the good of their people?

Maybe, Yuuri thinks, this is the real, true stuff you find in myths and epic poems, the ones about the fearless prince (or Maou) and the fair damsel (Flurin) in distress (okay, she's not in distress now, but she was a while back) where the hero (Yuuri) rides his white charger (okay, brown, Wolfram's the one with the white horse) to rescue her (he came by boat, but you get the idea, and he did rescue her, in fact. Sort of.). It's the kind of story a guy should want written about himself - the kind of love a guy deserves, instead of the weird arrangement Wolfram has in mind (and which still weirds Yuuri out, though he's given up trying to kick Wolfram out of his bed each night) and not the kind of hero-worship he's decided is at the bottom of his feelings for Conrad. And if he still gets a shiver when he and Conrad look at each other, that way, well, too bad. Flurin is all woman, and beautiful to boot, and he gets a different, but equally pleasurable tingle from her.

Yuuri smiles at Flurin.

Flurin smiles back.

Wow, Yuuri thinks. This is a woman I could love.


five loves, yuuri shibuya, kyou kara maou

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