Rules & Guidelines

May 14, 2006 07:47

[1] Length: Fic should be either 100 words (drabble) or 250 min. to 500 max. for ficlets. Your choice. However, if you start out writing a drabble you must continue using that format for all remaining themes in that set.

Note:  Since this is this year's last round, I'm not going to be as picky about the ficlet word count. Drabbles are 100 words exactly. [Online Word Counter]. Don't worry, you won't get in trouble if your drabble is over or under a few words. Just try to keep that goal in mind.

[2] An announcement will be made each Monday at 12:01 AM EST (starting March 15th) signaling the beginning of each new stage/theme. You will have until 11:59 PM EST the following Sunday (21st) to post your reply. We'll not be accepting any late entries. Ack! Who am I kidding? I am weak! But please try to get it in on time.

Announcement Schedule: May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5 and June 12. (5 Week Stages)
Weekly Deadlines: May 21, May 28,  June 4, June 11 and June 18. (5 Week Stages)

[Seven Deadly Sins & Seven Virtues]
Announcement Schedule: May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12, June 19 and June 26. (7 Week Stages)
Weekly Deadlines: May 21, May 28,  June 4, June 11, June 18, June 25 and July 2. (7  Week Stages)

[3] We usually list themes in a specific order and ask that participants follow it. Not this round! You get to pick the order this time. Give this some thought and plan it out carefully.

[4] Please feel free to interpret each theme in whatever way you wish. Each drabble, ficlet or art piece can be self-contained, but all combined must create some sort of over-all story arc. Use each stage to tell us a story!

[5] Ratings may range from G to NC-17 as long as you label your fics and artwork properly. Artwork or anything over 100 words or that contains sensitive or explicit material or character death, must be placed behind cut tags.

[6] When you post, please use the following format:

Subject line: Fandom: pairing, theme
(i.e. Avatar: Zuko/Sokka, color: red)

Author's Note (if applicable):

[7] Please tag each entry you create. I should have all pairing and fandom tags entered by tonight.

Tagging Instructions:

1. Post your fic. Do not use the tags entry when posting.
2. Click on 'View your entry' after you've successfully posted your fic.
3. Click the 'Tag' button at the top of the post.
4. Find your claim's tags [fandom, pairing name and theme set ( i.e. bleach, ishida/ichigo, 1: first love)] in the selection box (scroll down to find it under your post). Select it, then click 'Save Changes'.

**Artists: Please add the 'art' tag along with your pairing, fandom and theme set tags.

[8] We'd prefer that you post your work to the community. This is so that if you should for some reason decide to delete your LJ in the future, we still have the post and your work archived for interested readers. Should you choose not to, please provide the correct subject and header information as well as a link to it's actual location.

[9] ( Claim List) - I'll continue accepting claims until week one's deadline -- 11:59 PM EST May 21st, 2006.


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