Saiyuki Gaiden -Tenpou Gensui/Kenren Taishou - " Attraction "

Mar 22, 2006 19:48

Title:  None Yet
Characters/Pairing: Tenpou Gensui/Kenren Taishou
Prompt: #1 - Attraction
Word Count: 500
Rating: G

Author's Notes: -laughs- Hopefully I managed to get out all the kinks. My version of word isn't the best and if I missed anything... my apologies, but I did try my best to reread and look for things that seemed to stick out. First time fic writting for Tenpou and Kenren. I love these two and hope that there was enough capture of their character's in this. Been playing with different Perspectives with my writing. It's a challenge to compress a ficlet to 500 words or less, but this one thinks they have a hang of it ^^; XD Enjoy.

Amusement was alive in his eyes: hidden behind glinting glasses. Tenpou Gensui made his way down the corridor. Cool and collected, yet laid back.

At first glance, one would think that there was not much to the dark-haired man, who, for most part, could stay days at a time locked away in his study, buried behind books.

He watched him from a distance, observantly. There was something about Gensui, which lured Kenren. However, not official, yet, he felt as if there was something there, something special that neither of them could see.

Kenren felt a strong attraction for the other, and was willing to allow Gensui to acknowledge this particular discovery.

He leaned back against a pillar: watching and waiting for Tenpou to arrive. As the Field Marshall drew nearer, stark emerald-green eyes met crimson. The clopping of feet came to a halt suddenly, and it felt as though time had stopped.

Even though, the heavens were evidently quiet, this particular silence was one of notability.

“Hello, Kenren.”

Tenpou greeted as he turned to face him. “Skipping out on another meeting are we?”

He asked, sweet-naturedly.

A smirk curved Kenren’s lips, “Not necessarily,” he lied and pulled away from the pillar.

“Just killin’ time.” he assured; giving Tenpou a lecherous grin, “You know me.”

Tenpou sighed and pushed up his glasses; smiling amusedly.

“Figured as much; in any case, were you waiting for me, perhaps?”  He wondered; words lined with wit.

Kenren arched an eyebrow, “As a matter of fact.” He began as he crossed his arms over his chest. The flask attached to his belt swished a little as he moved.

“Say no more.” Tenpou countered and kissed the redhead suddenly.

Crimson eyes blinked as Tenpou pulled away, “Is that what you wanted to address?” he questioned, chuckling, smiling as he headed back down the hallway to his study; leaving the general slightly dumbfounded.

He was not expecting Tenpou to be attracted first.  After all, Kenren had proclaimed that he had  no control over his groined so to speak. Tenpou, on the other hand, always seemed to be the shyer of the two, but than again, he was unpredictable, for most part, and cunning.

No one ever really knew what the Field Marshall was thinking. However, Kenren could care less because the attraction was there, though invisible to wandering eyes.

Such an affair would look heretic to the heavens, but the higher ups could go screw themselves for as much as the general cared.

Sighing, Kenren could still feel Tenpou’s kiss; warm on his lips. There was a fire there, freshly lit. It continued to burn without the Field Marshall’s lustrous presence. He could hear the door of the lighter’s study shut gently.

Tenpou smiled to himself as his door closed. He knew that Kenren would come after him, after all, he usually did.

The hallway grew silent again, but Kenren knew of another opportunity. The fiery passion had lit, and there was nothing, that could extinguish the embers.

saiyuki, tenpou/kenren, five stages of love, attraction

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