Title: Journey's End Author: shayheyred Fandom: Samurai Champloo Pairing: Mugen/Jin Theme: Commitment Warnings: none Author's Notes: These two are a joy to write. I hope you've enjoyed their journey.
that was indeed a wonderful journey. and this particular section was the perfect ending (or rebeginning :) ) to an absolutely beautiful series. i love how you portrayed the two and Fuu in this last one was great. i think this one was my favorite! can't wait to read whatever you right next!
Thank you! It wouldn't be complete without Fuu, and I like to think she stands there a little worried about Jin as he departs. And I agree -- one of the things I both love and hate about SamCham is that it's a closed canon show...but a girl can dream, right?
Thank you so much. And yes, it's one of those mysteries I think should never be solved...until Jin and Mugen go visiting and discover her child has bony elbows and bushy hair.
Comments 13
*offers up a nice hot cup of tea*
(The comment has been removed)
And thanks for the notes tonight. I took your suggestions.
You went way beyond my suggestions, meagre as they were, and the results are even better than the original. And I quite liked the original.
For some reason, I just absolutely adore the detail about Fuu being pregnant and Jin suspecting but not asking if it might be Mugen's.
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