Title: Rushes In 3/5
Series: Hikaru no Go
Disclaimer: Characters are the creation of Hotta and Obata
Pairing: Ko Yong-ha/Hon Su-yon
Challenge: #3 Passion
Type: Drabble
Su-yon locked eyes with Yong-ha. "Not a chance. I won’t let you."
"You said you would think about it," Yong-ha was equally persistent, however. His right hand--his playing hand--reached out, quick with greediness.
Su-yon backed away. "I said no and you can’t force me," he said, and made an exclamation when strong arms caught him.
"Yes," Yong-ha insisted, starting to slide his arms down Su-yon’s sides, pulling him close.
Su-yon struggled to no avail, and turned his head away at the attempt at a kiss. "Still not going to let you play handicap Go with me," he growled.