Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney McKay/Laura Cadman

Feb 02, 2006 22:43

Title: Getting there
Author: wabbitseason
Words: 228
Theme: Attraction
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Spoilers for "Duet" and "Critical Mass". Thanks to control_freak80 for a quick beta.

Cadman just gets to me. I don't know exactly why. I just know when she's around I'm even more defensive than usual. Cadman has seen through my callousness and bluster. She knows every inch of me. She knows exactly what makes me tick and can shamelessly use it to her advantage.

Sometimes Cadman passes a little too close or flashes that devious smile and I become that flustered guy she tried so hard to help. Help badly, I might add, but she did try, which is more than most people do.

Do I get to her too? Or am I just the guy to tease? Why the hell do I care anyway?


I won't let Rodney get to me. I tell myself that all the time when we bump into each other. I shoot my mouth off, smile sweetly and watch him get wound up. Rodney's so cute when he's mad at me. It's almost worth the aggravation.

Rodney did say "good job" at finding those missing logs, but I knew it irritated him. Rodney doesn't like to admit when he's wrong. He especially doesn't like it when someone thinks of something he didn't. He didn't show it though. He gave me this tired half smile. "Not bad for a tap-dancing Marine."

He's never really smiled at me before. And he picks the damnedest time to start.

stargate: atlantis, rodney mckay/laura cadman, attraction

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