Title: Inevitable
Pairing: Sasuke/Naruto
Rating: T - language, violence, and implied sexual activities
Status: In Progess
Preview: When she shut the door Naruto growled in frustration. How was he supposed to ignore the stoic Uchiha if he was forced to be in his presence?
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The laptop was slowly becoming overheated and
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Comments 10
Oh, I hope Kakashi gets the whole story before the shit hits the fan! Sasuke and Naruto really don't need to deal with a power civilian with a grudge right now. *rolls eyes*
“You have something I want, Sasuke.”
The Uchiha raised his eyebrow and looked down at the food in Naruto’s hand. “Apparently, you have something I want.”
*dies a thousand deaths, then revives so she can continue laughing*
Wonderful chapter! Thanks for sharing!
...it would be hot to hear those two say that to each other, wouldn't it? ;D
Great ending. I'm curious how their "talk" ends up. lol
...the talk will be good, that's all I'm saying. *lips zipped*
I'm definitely going to read the rest of this fic when I get the time, and OMG YOU HAVE SO MANY FAVORITES THANK YOU <333 Haha, I always read off of good writers' favorites list, they're treasure troves.
I'd mean a lot to me if you'd read it, though. Just so I know some people actually care about what I put up there. lol.
Yeah...but sadly my faves are all over the place. My ff.net account has a lot more treasures. If you like SasuNaru I recommend my ff.net faves. Those are f-ing amazing works on there. ...well, most of them. Some I faved out of delirium.
And I will, I will, I'm really excited about it :] But I've just got to take my SATs this May, then I can heave a sigh of relief.
I was talking about your ff.net ones, ahah. I've got your username bookmarked now, so when I get the time, I'm definitely raking over your stories.
OH AND CAN I FRIEND YOU. You seem quite the awesomepossum <3
...Read Fish Bird, definately. Best story ever!
I would be honored to be friended! "awesomepossum" is now my new fave word, btw. XDXDXD
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