So, yeah...

Feb 05, 2007 19:23

Le Sigh. I just wrote a nice long post, and then went to open one of my Favorites to add a link to said post, and IE did so in my already open browser window, promptly eating my wonderful post (I thought it was quite brilliant, anyway). I don't have the time or patience to write all that out again... sure teaches me for not hitting Ctrl+N first. :P

Well, basically I was writing about what's going on at work, my upcoming business trip, and wedding planning. OK, let's go from there...

Work. Work work work. Been doing a lot of work. I may or may not have mentioned it already, but I am now responsible for marketing for not one but two business streams in my division. As if that didn't keep me busy enough, our VP of Marketing just named me the Global Brand Guidelines Coordinator for my division, and we are looking to release an entirely new brand manual by the end of the month. Which is a short month anyway, then throw in that I am out a week for a business trip, and that means February = no free time.

About the business trip. I am going out to California next week! I'm flying out to LAX on Monday (2/12) with my mentor/colleague, and then the two of us are driving from there to Laguna Niguel, CA to meet with another colleague based in the company's office there. Then it's off to the MD&M West tradeshow in Anaheim Tuesday through Thursday... I am actually working the booth (DEAR GOD HELP ME WHAT ARE THEY THINKING I CAN'T SELL SQUAT), so if you just "happen" to be walking the show, look for me :) Then I am taking Friday as PTO to do some sightseeing. My main objective is to go to the beach and stick my feet in the Pacific Ocean, since I have never been there before. Secondary objective, go to Disneyland (just across the street from my hotel) and say hi to The Mouse. :) Then it's back to the East Side (no, not L.A. ... I mean the East Coast!) on Saturday (2/17).

It's funny... I was really scared about this trip when I first booked it (on 1/15) because it's the farthest I've ever gone before on one flight (sure I've been to Arizona, but we had layovers there and back). Well, that and I am just not a huge fan of flying (understatement of the year, heh!). But what's odd is that the closer I get to this trip, the less scared I become... and, dare I say it, now I am actually looking forward to it?! Yes, I dare say it. I am actually looking forward to it.

(CTRL+C, open Notepad, CTRL+V... ahhhh... ok, moving on.)

Anyway, if anyone wants any souvenirs or trinkets from CA, just let me know. But not by LJ cause I probably won't see it before then. My LJ track record isn't too good lately.

On to wedding planning.

midnightcoder and I are totally rockin' it. In just over a month's time we have researched AND booked the ceremony site, the reception site, the DJ, and the photographer. And, of course, I have my dress, and so does
sunniski (my maid of honor). We also started a wedding website - parts of it are still under construction, but you're welcome to go check it out now if you want to. So, now all that's left are some of the smaller things that don't necessarily have to be booked so far in advance. (Well, I didn't have to have my dress now. But I wanted it. :D ) We started looking in to honeymoons too - we will probably be going to Florida - like my parents did, and like his parents did. I was telling a coworker today about my CA trip and the possibility of going to FL in September... going to see both the Mouse's Houses, haha.

OK, so I think that is about it for now. If not......... I can't think of it, so it must not be all that important! TTFN!

trips, work, wedding

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