per the request.

May 10, 2005 16:53

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Comments 35

utmathman May 10 2005, 22:53:30 UTC


stabswithspoon May 11 2005, 00:58:29 UTC
first off, your name is chapman.
but i guess its ok.

1. you have a good sense of humor.
2. calculus, josie, rachel, incubus
3. 1 oclock... the time we had calc. 6th pd.
4. mathy. geez. i do relate other non-calculus based thing to you, too, you know. lol.
5. when you, krishna, ben & brandon (i think brandon was involved) stole my frappuccino and drank it. omfg. you were risking death. you assholes. lol.
6. hm. there are alot. why you never held my hand? (once. haha.) no srsly, though. ummmm... did you ever rly like me post-Rachel?


utmathman May 11 2005, 01:10:13 UTC
yes, yes i did, very much
i apologize for screwing that up, i was stupid
maybe someday i can make it up to you


stabswithspoon May 11 2005, 03:55:10 UTC
no, it's just one of those... out of curiosity things, i guess.
or something.
feeling like someone's shadow all the time.
patterns of my life that i overanalyze.


hannafrica May 10 2005, 23:31:28 UTC


stabswithspoon May 11 2005, 01:02:32 UTC

01. you're bouncy.
02. newspaper, drawing, starbucks, biology books. lol
03. noon. good time to drive to starbucks during newspaper. or 7am. It's a tie.
04. emotional. not like, crying/sobbing emotional, but that you are affected by everyone. probably attentive-to-other-people, too. even tho its not one word.
05. you & i freaking out in newspaper one day, i think you were doing HOSA competitions or something, and I had a calc test, and we just started ranting & raving about how much we hated school. it was awesome.
06. why you have so much faith. or how, i guess.


hannafrica May 11 2005, 01:27:25 UTC
Ah, I remember the freaking out! I don't remember what exactly it was about, but I remember the ranting and exasperated noises.

Erm, 6 is hard to say... it's sort of like you have a feeling and experiences that back them up, and you just know it's right. There are still the doubts, but they pass.


doe__eyes May 11 2005, 00:23:18 UTC


stabswithspoon May 11 2005, 01:05:43 UTC
01. you're a sexylollipoppushpingoddess. :D and i heart you a >>lot.
02. starbucks, newspaper, that fucking mama-mia song that you sang to ONCE after i threatened you with bodily harm, blue minivans.
03. 10pm, when you usually have to be home.
04. watchful.
05. sitting at starbucks, last day of spring break, with a triple venti mocha frappuccino, tweaking out. TWEAKING OUT. and annoying those boys cuz i was taking pictures with the flash on.
06. when did you have your first drink?


doe__eyes May 11 2005, 02:15:59 UTC
ive never been properly smashed before, and i honestly cannot remember the first drink i had -- junior high, for sure, but when, idk. i had mt first jack'n'coke in december tho. v.v.nice. easily my fav.


anoma_lee May 11 2005, 00:37:03 UTC
Leigh. This should be interesting since we've barely seen eachother... ever. haha


stabswithspoon May 11 2005, 01:08:03 UTC
this'll be fun, leigh. just calm down. lol.

01. your icon mocks people, so it's cool.
02. online english, laser tag, alcohol. lol
03. 2am. for drinking purposes.
04. anime. lol
05. sitting squished in laura's car, with four of us in the backseat.
06. how'd you meet josh/laura/aaron/devon/nick2/etc?


anoma_lee May 11 2005, 02:04:50 UTC
josh- design then him 1 on 1 when i needed to go on a drunken "adventure" through Towers with Laura one night. lol
laura- design... we just started chillin and drinkin one night. haha
aaron- design!
devon- same drunken adventure as w/ josh. lol
brit- just kinda met since we were in the same major. saw more of her w/ josh and them
nick- sometime when i started seeing more of brit



no_imagination May 11 2005, 01:21:05 UTC
Abbie {oh look, i spelled it right just for you}


stabswithspoon May 11 2005, 03:44:38 UTC
yay you spelled it right just for me!!!

01. you're a cupcake, and you're too old for your own good.
02. candy, newspapers, books, dirty rooms, bright eyes, cars, spring/houston, traveling, europe. like, almost everything. crack sticks. haha.
03. 4am. degrassi, and latenight tv. ridiculous ungodly amounts of coffee, and the l word. :D
04. paradoxal ... younger than most of the people i know, but smarter. still in high school (R's freaking age), but smarter than most of the people in college. young but old. mature but immature. serious but silly.
05. omg. there's too many. RHPS, newspaper, DC, crack sticks, driving around in tommmy. "I feel like starbucks." movies at scott's house. you in philly. geez. *hugs. tooo many!!!!11
06. what was the most powerful experience you ever had? how many people have broken your heart?


no_imagination May 11 2005, 23:52:44 UTC
i don't know if it's the most powerful, but actually being able to get through the frist day of school this year.I felt so completely and udderly lost. i thought I would drown before the day was over. and only one person has broken my heart.


stabswithspoon May 12 2005, 03:25:18 UTC
awww. emoabbiepoo.
first days of school. yuuuum. yeah.
*pokes. exdee.


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