Title: The Resemblance is Uncanny Rating: G Characters/Pairings: Bones, Grumpy Smurf, Grumpy Bear, Oscar the Grouch, Squidward, Mr. Grumpy, Lucy (Peanuts) Warnings: None Recipient: Laura / laughter_now
I know that my prompt was weird, but the result is so absolutely amazing! I was only thinking of Grumpy Smurf, but they all just fit so absolutely great! Oscar! Grumpy Bear! Lucy!!! And the Enterprise decorations in the tree are an aweseome detail, lol. I have no idea how much work has to go into such a drawing, but thanks so much! I'm so making this my wallpaper right now!
Comments 5
I know that my prompt was weird, but the result is so absolutely amazing! I was only thinking of Grumpy Smurf, but they all just fit so absolutely great! Oscar! Grumpy Bear! Lucy!!!
And the Enterprise decorations in the tree are an aweseome detail, lol.
I have no idea how much work has to go into such a drawing, but thanks so much! I'm so making this my wallpaper right now!
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