Title: If I Or She Should Chance To Be
orvaen_queen Fanmixer:
jazzy_peachesCharacter/Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/OFC, Winona/Pike, Jocelyn Darnell, Joanna McCoy
Rating: R
Word Count: 57,619
Warnings: Some effects of torture, genderswap
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. I’m only borrowing.
Author's Note(s): See notes at the end of the fic. The title is derived from a Lewis Carroll poem.
Summary: After a planetary rescue, Jim finds himself falling for a refugee and Bones isn't around to help him through it. Meanwhile, McCoy is dealing with a forced change that will permanently alter his life. The universe is their ground to try and fight their way forward and figure out a new life when they come back together.
Link to Art:
ARTLink to Mix:
MIXLink to Fic:
Act One //
Act Two //