Aug 01, 2009 05:36

I think we totally need a ⌈STAR TREK⌋ Friending Meme. Don't you? You can never really have too many friends, and I think we all know that this fandom is pretty much made of so much win you can hardly see straight ( Read more... )

!friending meme

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Comments 837

ilikethequiet August 1 2009, 11:35:18 UTC
♥ NAME » Ally
♥ AGE » 27
♥ GENDER » Female
♥ LOCATION » Broken Hill, Australia

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » Kirk, Spock, Uhura, McCoy, Gaila
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » Spock/Uhura, Bones/Gaila!

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Supernatural, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Hannah Montana, Stargate SG1, Gossip Girl, Bones, House M.D., Psych, Legend of the Seeker, Chuck, Pushing Daisies, Merlin
♥ OTHER INTERESTS » Movies, digital art, writing
♥ JOURNAL CONTAINS » Mostly fandom stuff, some memes, icon updates and random stuff.
♥ ANYTHING ELSE? » I've seen nu!trek four times, was an avid watcher of TNG and have big folders full of star trek blueprints and info on all the races...>_>


chocochip_pie August 1 2009, 18:06:38 UTC
Oh, thank God someone else likes Bones/Gaila! I was beginning to think I was the only one!



ilikethequiet August 1 2009, 23:13:01 UTC


moralimperative August 1 2009, 21:56:17 UTC
OH you're the first one i've seen so far with bones and psych as other fandoms! how could i forget to write that in mine, i adore both shows so much! (and a secret love of chuck/blair on GG.. but the absurd level of drama makes me want to shake people, esp serena and little J) my love of spn goes without saying... total sucker for jared, can't stand sam, and lusting for both dean and jensen.
um. i kinda ramble when i get excited..



rps_lizardspock August 1 2009, 11:36:31 UTC
♥ NAME » Melissa
♥ AGE » 22
♥ GENDER » Female
♥ LOCATION » Central Florida

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » Kirk, McCoy, Spock, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu -> Meh, okay, I like 'em all.
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Spock
♥ FAVORITE TREK!VERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY OTHER?) » Nu!Trek, but only because I've not seen much TOS (love what I've seen of it!) or TNG... (haven't seen any others, and don't like Enterprise). I do love Wrath of Kahn and The Voyage Home, as well.

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » The Big Bang Theory, Chuck, Torchwood, Dr. Who, Firefly, Buff -> Anything Joss is easier to say lol. How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, Lost... many many more.
♥ OTHER INTERESTS » Love reading and music (country!).
♥ JOURNAL CONTAINS » Everything? Um, fanfictions, rants, random thoughts...
♥ ANYTHING ELSE? » I always hate this question lol. Um, not really. <333 New friends, and I'd love it if I had more Star Trek ones!


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:38:14 UTC
TOS Star Trek movies are fantastic. ♥! Plus Big Bang Theory. I love your username, by the waaaay~


rps_lizardspock August 1 2009, 11:47:42 UTC
The ones that I've seen I've liked a lot.. except The Search For Spock-I fell asleep during it D=

TBBT is amaaazing.



chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:49:55 UTC
XD TOTALLY. Haha. I liked The Search For Spock, if only for Sulu's crowning moment in the asylum breaking McCoy out. "Don't call me tiny," indeed. ♥

Most definitely friends!


wattle_neurotic August 1 2009, 11:42:41 UTC
♥ NAME » Bre
♥ AGE » 24 (uh, 25 in 2 weeks)
♥ GENDER » Female
♥ LOCATION » Australia

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » Bones, Kirk, Sulu ♥
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » Kirk/McCoy...actually McCoy/anyone to be honest.
♥ FAVORITE TREK!VERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY OTHER?) » I started with TNG but the new movie got me into things Star Trek again, so I'm dipping into TOS too.

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Supernatural, True Blood, Heroes, Harry Potter, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Life on Mars, The IT Crowd, Chuck, The Mighty Boosh, books (can books in general be a fandom?)
♥ OTHER INTERESTS » Oh well I guess books would go here *lol* watching anime, conservation (I'm trying to be as green as I can), website building, fanlistings, procrastinating, I comment on politics every now and then, writing fic.
♥ JOURNAL CONTAINS » It's Friends Only and just contains general babble, with random crap thrown in.
♥ ANYTHING ELSE? » I don't think so. I'm a major geek, really. But I love it ;)


byandby August 1 2009, 15:23:42 UTC

We have a few common interests and I like your icon choices!


wattle_neurotic August 1 2009, 15:27:34 UTC
*adds you back*

♥ thank you *g*


arccie August 1 2009, 17:25:59 UTC
Woo! Fandoms of glee galore!

What sort of conservation do you work towards, or is it just a general I can be green for the earth thing?


tee_sama August 1 2009, 11:46:04 UTC
♥ NAME » Anna
♥ AGE » 18+
♥ GENDER » female
♥ LOCATION » Central Europe

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » McCoy, Scotty, Uhura
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » Nu!Kirk/Nu!McCoy, Scotty/Uhura, Kirk/Enterprise/Scotty :D
♥ FAVORITE TREK!VERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY OTHER?) » TNG all the way...with reboot and VOY second.

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, Star Wars, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Eureka, Marvel Comics, Hellblazer, Whoniverse
♥ OTHER INTERESTS » Oh, lots of them. Anything that has to do something with art, music, history and mythology mostly...
♥ JOURNAL CONTAINS » Rants mostly, I've deleted most of my art and fics from this journal, but I'll post some soon...


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:47:57 UTC
Kirk/Enterprise/Scotty is ftfw. ♥ Seriously.


tee_sama August 1 2009, 11:51:19 UTC
The best sammich there is, lol. Seriously...Enterprise has to love her captain and the guy who takes care of her. ♥


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:54:25 UTC
Of course! XDD Oh goodness. There was a perfect line from a fic I've read that I can't quite remember. Something about Scotty referencing her as HIS Enterprise, and Kirk taking offense. Only for Scotty to wink at him and reply that while he may be her captain, Scotty's most definitely the only one she talks to. ♥ I can't even do it justice.


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chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 12:03:58 UTC
♥ for drawing, rainbows, party posts, Mythbusters, and retarded art dumps!

Add? :D


tee_sama August 1 2009, 16:26:52 UTC
I've spent one hour on that iSketch thing. Man, too much fun there. Also, yay, Heroes, Kuroshitruji, Mythbusters, Top Gear, Monty Python <3



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