Oct 28, 2009 01:18


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Kink what?
What is a kink meme? Pretty self explanatory, actually. You request a pairing and a prompt/kink anonymously, and someone else (or several someone elses for that matter) will be able to fill that request- also ( Read more... )

meme part two

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anonymous November 7 2009, 03:00:30 UTC
Reaper!McCoy isn't in Star Fleet. He's a doctor on earth when he hears that Star Fleet is headed to Mars.

He makes his way there, in time to save Captain Jim Kirk's life and sparks fly.


anonymous November 7 2009, 07:45:07 UTC
I want this like burning!

No seriously, awesome prompt and very original.


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 1/? anonymous April 9 2011, 17:07:24 UTC
He quietly checked the magazine in his gun once more, knowing that if it jammed it wouldn't just be his life. It'd be the lives of every single government officer aboard that damn ship. The ship bounced, a micrometeorite glancing off it in the darkness of space. John scowled, shoving the magazine back into the gun with more force than warranted. At least it wasn't a transporter beam ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 2/? anonymous April 9 2011, 17:31:52 UTC
It didn't look as if anyone had touched down yet. The halls were silent as John crept through them, gun up, eyes staring through the sights as he moved. His careful, measured breathing made no sound as he moved. It was absolutely necessary for him to hear, because Sarge had been roaming freely over the facility for the last two hundred years. John's sight and agility would not help him here ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 3/? anonymous April 9 2011, 19:14:55 UTC
"I am unsure how to utilise this weapon," the Vulcan intoned. John heaved out an impatient breath. They didn't have time for this.

"I got it, Spock," the kid said, reaching for the grip. 'Spock' handed it over without hesitation. John watched as the kid cocked it, inspected the magazine, and fitted it to his shoulder snugly, as if he had practised with it his entire life. Face deadly serious, he turned to John. "Let's go."

"Oh hell no," John said, shaking his head. "You'll get snapped in half, kid."

"I am the captain of the starship Enterprise," the kid said, voice low and dangerous. "Do not presume to tell me what to do when the safety of my crew is in jeopardy. Are you going to lead the way or am I taking point?" John swallowed his protests. If the kid wanted to get himself killed, let him ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 4/? anonymous April 9 2011, 22:02:00 UTC
"Like hell they're getting their hands on this base," John snarled. Jim nodded.

"I understand your concern, McCoy, but the Federation must have a good reason to want to check this place out now, after all these years." Jim's eyes darted somewhere behind John, and he lifted the gun. John turned, mirroring the motion as they pressed forward. Something flashed out of the corner of his eye.

"Down!" John shoved Jim to the ground as a slug flew through the air, smacking into the wall with a horrifying shriek of discontent at missing its target ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 5/? anonymous April 9 2011, 23:27:41 UTC
"Grimm, John H. 'O+' RRTS-M, 'no preference'," Jim read, eyes straining in the dim light. He turned the dog tags over in his hand. " 'Reaper'." He lifted his gaze, meeting John's quizzically. John felt his throat tighten ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 6/? anonymous April 10 2011, 03:35:13 UTC
"I've gotcha, I've gotcha," John grunted, heaving at Jim's arm. Jim kicked, one of his legs trapped under the tearing claw of a mutant. Jim grunted, panting harshly as he beat at the thing's head with his free leg, trying to break it's hold.

"Fuck!" Jim choked out, agony clear in his voice. He kicked once more, the strike driving home, splitting the creature's forehead. It released him and John hauled him onto the catwalk. He took Jim's arm over his shoulder, wrapping his free arm around the kid's waist. He half-carried, half-dragged Jim from the oppressive heat of the dig arena, Jim's hands digging bruises into his skin. "Enterprise, two to beam up!" Jim gasped into a communicator as they staggered back to the Ark ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 7/? anonymous April 10 2011, 04:19:28 UTC
The ship was gorgeous, no denying it. As much as John despised space ships, this one was build solid and huge. He didn't even feel like he was in space as he hurried to follow Spock through vast corridors of brightly painted walls and Starfleet officers who stopped to salute the unconscious man in John's arms and their Acting Captain. Jim was yanked away from him by the team of nurses and hustled into an OR. John stared after them, looking for the man who would be operating. He spotted the man called M'Benga, and grasped his arm as he donned his scrubs ( ... )


Re: [filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 7/? anonymous April 10 2011, 18:26:34 UTC
I'm loving this so far! Please don't stop here!


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 8/? anonymous April 11 2011, 02:08:05 UTC
"So immortals do sleep, then ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 9/? anonymous April 11 2011, 03:37:53 UTC
"And who is that?" Pike's eyes found John. John opened his mouth, but Jim cut him off.

"Doctor Leonard McCoy, trauma surgeon and the world's leading expert on Olduvai. He's spent his life researching all the information on the subject, and when he heard Starfleet was opening a mission, he decided to preempt us," Jim said smoothly. "He's currently under the protection of the Enterprise until we can set his ass home."

"Interesting choice of hobbies, doctor," Pike said, leaning back in his chair, hand to his lips. John grunted concomitantly ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 10/? anonymous April 12 2011, 18:28:09 UTC
"You're a trauma surgeon, you stand up to four-star admirals, you can lock and load Google-era weapons, you're immortal," Jim panted against his mouth, "Is there anything you can't do ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 11/? anonymous April 12 2011, 20:00:31 UTC
And that was how John found himself once more, standing on the transporter pad, swallowing back his stomach. He knew damn well he couldn't die, but he sure as hell could feel pain, could feel the sickening lurch of air rushing back into his lungs after being still, the snap of nerve-endings as they returned to working order ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 12/? anonymous April 12 2011, 20:15:43 UTC
"So much for a quiet mission," he muttered to himself as he saw movement deep in the rip. They were coming.

He wiped blood from his face, jabbing the GPS for the coordinates of the next generator. He still had two more to place before he could even think about getting out. The first monsters were scrabbling out of the pit as he slipped and slid his way to the next position. He had enough time to set the generator before they were on him.

They caught on quickly that he really did not want to be dragged into the hole, and they grabbed at him with rotting, melting hands, trying to pull him with them. The smell alone was enough to choke him, even as he fitted a pistol in both hands and fired, trying to drive them away to give him enough time to set the last generator ( ... )


[filled] A Precautionary Tale; NC-17; 13/? anonymous April 12 2011, 22:57:16 UTC
Spock peered solemnly at John from over the thick collar of his suit. "Well done, Doctor," he said in monotone ( ... )


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