Jan 18, 2011 12:07

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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven

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Kink what?What is a kink meme? Pretty self explanatory, actually. You request a pairing and a prompt/kink ( Read more... )

meme part twelve

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Why are Doom crossovers illogical? anonymous March 28 2011, 20:12:26 UTC
I've read SO many Reaper!Bones fics where Reaper is a hit-man for hire between being Grimm & McCoy. Why on earth? He's meant to have turned into a C24 goodie because of being an inherently good person. Isn't assassination a bit out of character?

And when the Enterprise is inevitably sent to Olduvai, Bones NEVER warns anybody what might be down there until they've lost half a dozen redshirts, and he can come to the rescue. Wouldn't Bones at least quietly tell Jim so that lots of people don't die unnecessarily? Isn't Bones all about saving lives, even at the expense of his own? He's meant to be a hero, damnit!

I'd LOVE to read a fic where Reaper does something other than murder for a century, and where he does his best to keep his crew safe when they explore Olduvai.


Re: Why are Doom crossovers illogical? ext_400285 March 28 2011, 20:33:35 UTC
I am so on this, gimme a few days though, maybe a week...


Re: Why are Doom crossovers illogical? anonymous March 28 2011, 23:37:28 UTC
*happy dance* I can't wait to see what you come up with.


Re: Why are Doom crossovers illogical? hyde_the_body March 29 2011, 04:35:19 UTC
....I know it's not logical, but it may be the influence of Kirill here (see The Bourne Supremacy). And just because he's genetically predisposed to good, doesn't mean he can't clip up, just like those predisposed to 'evil' can still do decent things. John admitted that he did some bad things before he was injected...

Just some silly excuses to explain the illogicalness of fics. In all, I *totally* agree with you. This must be done. ((I shall endeavour to keep this in mind for future Doom Trek fics.))


Re: Why are Doom crossovers illogical? ext_400285 April 5 2011, 23:56:09 UTC
Its going to take a little longer than I thought since real life is getting in the way of thing (I curse thee reality *shakes fist*) but I assure you I WILL fill this.


Filled - Untitled cause I can't think of anything to call it. 1/? ext_400285 April 8 2011, 01:03:22 UTC
Here's some of it, will have the rest in a few days.
Two hundred years of odd jobs had led him to this moment, the day he would have to go to Olduvai one more time.

“Jim we shouldn’t send so many people down there. You shouldn’t go down there.” John walked next to Jim as the captain walked to the transporter room, poking Jim in the arm to make his point.

“They need our help Bones, people are dying down there.” Jim said seriously.

John sighed and rubbed his face with one hand, “I know Jim. It’s could be dangerous down there, who knows what the hell those people are working on down there.”

“Dangerous is part of the job description Bones, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Jim gave his trademark grin before the duo walked into the transporter room. “What could possibly go wrong?”

John sighed again, “You just had to say that didn’t you? I swear, if you come back with some sorta disease or mutation I ain’t fixin ya up.”

’If Jim comes back a monster...or any one of ( ... )


Re: Filled - Untitled cause I can't think of anything to call it. 1/? fairyniamh April 8 2011, 08:17:27 UTC
...I really want to growl at you right now... really I do!

Love the beginning... hate the cliffie... and very much looking forward to reading more. :)


Re: Filled - Untitled cause I can't think of anything to call it. 1/? anonymous April 8 2011, 22:14:53 UTC
OP loves you! I can't wait to read the next part. This is perfect!


Re: Filled - Untitled cause I can't think of anything to call it. 1/? anonymous April 8 2011, 23:27:25 UTC
Oh wow I'm loving this. But I can commit to murdering you for that cliffhanger as well :D:D


Re: Why are Doom crossovers illogical? ext_400285 April 9 2011, 03:50:42 UTC
Glad y'all like it so far. Sorry bout the cliffy, LJ character limits are evil *glares at LJ* This would have been up sooner, but LJ seems to have been hating me recently...anyway the next part:
“Jim, I’m only tellin ya this once, so you’d better fuckin listen. I’ll explain everything to you and Spock when I get back but you have to trust me. Get yourselves out of here and let me deal with him.” John said low, so only Jim could hear ( ... )


The above post should read Part 2/? ext_400285 April 9 2011, 03:51:57 UTC
Also, a note: The year of their birth and the age at which their folks died is a complete guess.


Filled - Untitled cause I can't think of anything to call it. 3/? ext_400285 April 9 2011, 04:10:21 UTC
“Don’t interrupt; I wanna get through this quickly. I had absolutely no intention of telling either of you about this so I want to get it done and over with so I can move on.” John said ( ... )


Re: Filled - Untitled cause I can't think of anything to call it. 3/? fairyniamh April 9 2011, 04:28:12 UTC
Remember how I wanted to growl before? Yeah I don't want to do that this time... this time I want to bite you. No really I do!

Love you for updating hate you for the cliffie. Looking forward to reading more.


Re: Filled - Untitled cause I can't think of anything to call it. 3/? ext_400285 April 9 2011, 04:59:55 UTC
Again, I blame LJ character limits. I was 3 friggin letters over and had to delete the whole next paragraph so I could post this part, more is coming soon. It's almost finished, maybe one or two more parts, three at the most.


Re: Why are Doom crossovers illogical? ext_400285 April 9 2011, 05:01:13 UTC
“We were back on Earth, one of the demons had gotten through the Ark, it was down to Sarge, Duke and I.” John set his glass down so he didn’t break it.

“Sarge had killed The Kid not 10 minutes before because he didn’t want to kill a group of innocent civilians...’Mutinous insurrection is punishable by death.’” He imitated Sarge’s voice as best he could ( ... )


And I did it again dangit! That should read Part 4/4 ext_400285 April 9 2011, 05:06:31 UTC
Yes, its finished! \o/ I made up John's middle name. Ok...I lied a little on how many more parts it would be, but hey, no cliffies this time! ^-^


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