I promise to never drink and drive. I promise to always wear a seatbelt. I promise to never drive fatigued. I promise to never be an idiot on the road.
Prepare for a jam-packed week of stress. Today, we had a stressful dance practice to prepare for the Celebration of Excellence tomorrow. We have two dances (one of which I don't know completely) to do and I've got to write off a checklist so I don't forget anything. We've got lunch practices every day this week just to get ready for Remembrance
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Alrighty, back from eating out. Auditions went by fine, but who knows what casting directors are thinking? I think, whether I get this role or not, I'll be satisfied with my audition for a long time. Please, Shelly, keep me in mind
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So, might go to that open casting call for "On A Street Corner". Depends if they email me back right away and Brad covers for me for a little while on Sunday if needed. Wish me luck! And I don't mean about the audition. I mean about getting an email or a call back about the time, date, and place
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Yay! Fall Show this year and I am playing Queenie HasalastnamebutIamnottellingyouyet! Very excited. Queenie's the Shadow Falls Sun Editor & Chief, and I get one scene with Dolores and it kinda sounds like we're about to get it on in the office when we leave. HAHA. Funny. I also get her yanked out the door by a humungous dog. Boy that'll be fun
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