I'm sick :( I blame the person who pulled the fire alarm on Friday. ><
Sanazawa Pimp Post took a whole lot longer than I though it would. Now we just need someone to make a Jr.Boys pimp post and we can put them together to make a Mis Snow Man pimp post.
I... am going to make some icons now. I have a headache D|
I was serious about the Misaki pimp post/picspam btw. Kii would be thrilled.
Never. My parents' just wish me a happy birthday before leave for work. idk if my brothers know when my birthday is.
That's so sad. I'll definately send you card!
You don't have to. I've survived 13 years w/o getting a single card, another 13 can't be that bad!
I broke your layout again. ):
But I want to ♥
[although you'll have to pm me your address later]
Why does this always happen? ;_;
Okay. The same goes for you~
I'll stop spamming and go to sleep instead. Some people have school y'know.
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