All comments will be screened to protect personal information; we will comment here about your application within one week, with either acceptance, rejection or suggestions on things you should change in order to make it flow better.
Please fill in all of the application form.
It most likely will not fit in one comment, so you might have to post several.
Before applying for a character, please look at the
rules as well as the
employee list and
dropped characters.
If you are applying for a Vaizard, please contact a mod first.
Copy and paste the following into a comment on this post, fill it out, and then submit.
Player Name: (Your name or alias)
Player Age: (Your age)
Player E-Mail: (Your e-mail)
Player Journal: (Your private LJ journal, if any)
Other Characters Played In SSI: (If any, NAME :: USERNAME)
Character Name: (Japanese Style; Kuchiki Rukia)
Character Age: (Self-explanatory)
Character Job Position: (What's his/her job? Please note that most characters have been given specific jobs. If not, feel free to make one up)
Character E-Mail: (FAKE; YOURTEXTHERE@soulsocietyinc.com)
Character Phone Number: (FAKE; 555-7740 ext. YOURNUMBERHERE, 3 digits)
Character Personality: (What's the character like? Please try to keep it canon)
Character History: (History of your character. Please try to keep it close to canon)
Example RP Entry: (Third person POV, past tense, log format)
Example Journal Entry: (First person POV, journal format)
Portrayed By: (Actor/actress/person portraying your character)