I worked my first night at the petting zoo/farm tonight. Did an hour of data entry and an hour of feedin' critters. Baby goats, baby cows, baby pigs. There were some baby sheeps in there, too, but they'd already been weaned off the bottles, but weren't too happy about it. So while I fed one calf, I let the lamb suck (and chew) on my other hand
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Comments 2
I'm really glad you have a job you like, though. I've sort of been wondering if your forgetfulness at work is just your subconscious telling you that this isn't a job you belong in, and if you don't believe it, it'll make it impossible for you to function. I hope it goes really well, and that your allergies don't start acting all crazy from being around so many furries.
Also, some friends of mine have chickens in their backyard. They wanted five hens but got four hens and a rooster. Their neighbors complained about the dawn alarm clock. So they ate the rooster. I don't know what the moral is here.
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