Categories for Round Three

Oct 31, 2008 18:23


Shrinking Solution: Best Drabble (100 words words)
Hiccupping Solution: Best Drabble Series (comprised of 100 word drabbles)
Invigoration Draught: Best Short (under 10,000 words)
Strengthening Solution: Best Mid-Length (10,001 to 40,000 words)
Calming Draught: Best Novel Length (40,001 to 100,000 words)
Everlasting Elixirs: Saga/Epic (100,000+ words)


Amortentia: Best Romance
Felix Felicis: Best Smut/PWP
Agitation Elixir: Best Angst
Scintillating Solution: Best Drama
Hair-Raising Potion: Best Action Adventure
Polyjuice Potion: Best A/U
Euphoria Elixir: Best Humor
Instant Darkness Powder: Best Dark Fic
Draught of Peace: Best Fluff


Mrs Scower's Magical Mess Remover: Favourite DH-compliant Fic
Still Simmering: Best WIP
Top Brewer: Best Author
Potions Apprentice: Best New Author (First 1000-word story posted after DH)


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