:: About Yourself
Name/Nickname: Hiroshi
Age: 21
Describe your personality: I have a Calm, cool, Gentle and respectful personality
The thing you like the most about yourself: Being calm and cool to others that I can trust.
The thing you hate the most about yourself: Being too reckless
Fears: Losing people that I care about and dying alone
Pet Peeves: N/A
Hobbies/Talents Kendo, Cooking, and Drawing
:: About Your Choices
Mature or Immature?: Very Mature when people are around and mostly immature when I'm around my friends
Leader or Follower?: Neither a Leader or a Follower. All I want is to help others that need help and I'm bit of a drifter
Outgoing or Shy?: I'm shy at first but out-going when you get to know me
Confident or Modest?: Mostly Both
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Optimistic
Low, medium, or high energy level?: I'm about between Medium and High Level
Listener or Speaker?: Both!
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive and alittle cautious
Playful or Serious?: When it comes to fighting, I fight seriously
:: About The Battle
Which character from SSB do you absolutely dislike and why?: Any Heavyweight Fighters in the game. They really get on my nerves when fighting them
It's Subspace Emissary time! Pick a partner and explain why: Marth and Zelda! Both are awesome to have them around.
What is the most important thing in a battle: strength, agility or magic?: strength and agility!
You find out that everyone has been turned to statues. Except your archrival of old. Would you be willing to join forces with him for the greater good or not?: If he or she is the only one left, that we have no choose to fight together end this madness.
Describe your Final Smash: I cut a portal with my blade and travel through parts in the area to strike my enemy with many slash attacks. When the enemy is in mid-Air, I come out of the dimensional rift and blast them with a energy blast.
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