Dominance 1/1 - NC-17

Jan 28, 2009 22:37

Title: Dominance
Summary: A young warlock, a Crown Prince, and a hayloft.  'Nough said.
Spoilers: Not so's you'd notice
Rating: NC-17/M for smut
Warning: There's man-on-man action in this.  Slash.  And smut.  Slashy smut.  So don't read it if you a) don't like slash and/or b) don't like smut, though if you're reading my stories I can't see you not ( Read more... )

pairing: merlin♥arthur, slash, universe: merlin, story: dominance

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Comments 23

credulesque January 29 2009, 17:14:44 UTC

His control, his will, his dominance, was being stripped from him, taken with each kiss and each bite on the bottom of his jaw, each tug on his earlobe.
Holy shit. WOT.

Arthur was still staring off into space, his shirt torn, his chest heaving, his breeches unlaced, his hair askew, his eyes glazed, his lips swollen, his neck dotted with love bites.
This basically made me spontaneously combust. JUST A BIT. WTF THIS WAS SO HOT AND UNGH AND YES WRITE PORN MORE PLZ. *flails in PORNY DELIGHT*

You gonna post this to comms and the such? YOU SHOULD! *HUGS* tysm! ♥♥♥


ssa_fanfic January 29 2009, 17:53:33 UTC
You're welcome!

I'm just glad you liked it...I was afraid it wouldn't be porny's been a while since I've written any...

I think I might post it to some comms...maybe...know any good ones?


credulesque January 29 2009, 18:13:34 UTC
AHAAAA YOUR ICON *iz SKARED* yeah you can post to merlinslash & merlinxarthur =))))


ssa_fanfic January 29 2009, 19:20:04 UTC
Yay! I just might do that >:)


archaeologist_d April 15 2009, 19:22:05 UTC
Very hot. Loved how Merlin took control and Arthur let him. LOL on the last paragraph. Innuendo and promise - oh yes!


ssa_fanfic April 15 2009, 19:32:05 UTC
Yay! Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. >:)


dark_angelis April 15 2009, 20:08:12 UTC
Oh wow this is just fantastic! I have such a kink for Merlin taking control so I absolutely adored this. I love how confident and smug he is here and how overwhelmed Arthur is. The image of Arthur all messed up and despoiled after Merlin is finished with him is just insanely hot. Brilliant job, loved it!


ssa_fanfic April 15 2009, 20:26:46 UTC
Thanks so much!

I've definitely got a thing for Merlin being in control too >:) Arthur being in control in every area but this one...damn hot.

Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for commenting! ♥


dark_angelis April 15 2009, 20:42:01 UTC
Totally agree. I love the idea of Arthur being in control in every other aspect but Merlin taking charge in their relationship. There's just something about a prince submitting to his servant that is insanely hot!

I look forward to reading more of your stories. I really enjoy your take on the characters :D


fresica April 15 2009, 20:20:26 UTC
Hot. Just. guh. *brain melt*


ssa_fanfic April 15 2009, 20:32:38 UTC



criztalinz April 15 2009, 20:53:56 UTC
yes!!! dom!Merlin is the best!! ^__^.. naughty arthur.. Merlin won't take your bullying anymore *evil laugh* ;)


ssa_fanfic April 15 2009, 21:10:09 UTC
Very, very true >;) Glad you liked!


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